Publications of Yohan Payan
1. Book
- Chinesta F., Cueto E., Payan Y. & Ohayon J. editors (2023). Reduced Order Models for the Biomechanics of Living Organs. In the Serie Biomechanics of Living Organs, Elsevier, Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 9780323899673. Table of Contents
- Payan Y. & Ohayon J. editors (2017). Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling. Elsevier, Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 9780128040096. Table of Contents
- Payan Y., editor (2012). Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery. Springer, Berlin ISBN 978-3-642-29013-8. Table of Content / Flyer
- Payan Y., editor (2005). Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery. Research Signpost Publisher, ISBN 81-308-0031-4. Cover Page / Table Of Content
2. Journal Papers NB : LNCS are conference special issues with Impact Factors
- Alvarez P., El Mouss M., Calka M., Belme A., Berillon G., Brige P., Payan Y., Perrier P. & Vialet A. (2024). Predicting primate tongue morphology based on geometrical skull matching. A first step towards an application on fossil hominins. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(1): e1011808. pdf
- Duraes M., Briot N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Payan Y., Duflos C., Rathat G., Captier G., Subsol G. & Herlin C.(2024). Evaluation of breast skin and tissue stiffness using a non-invasive aspiration device and impact of clinical predictors. Clinical Anatomy, 1 8. pdf
- Rohan P.Y. & Payan Y. (2024). Editorial - Forward to the special issue on biomechanics of breast tissues and its clinical applications. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 113, 106216. pdf
- Fougeron N., Trebbi A., Keenan B., Payan Y. & Chagnon G. (2023). Current poisson s ratio values of finite element models are too low to consider soft tissues nearly-incompressible: illustration on the human heel region. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2269286. pdf
- Jalali F., Nazari M.A., Bahrami A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2023). FIM: A Fatigued-Injured Muscle Model Based on the Sliding Filament Theory. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 164, 107367. DOI: pdf
- Fougeron N., Chagnon G., Connesson N., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Auguste S., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2023). Finite Element tissue strains computation to evaluate the mechanical protection provided by a new bi-layer dressing for heel pressure injuries. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Vol. 36(10), pp. 549-556, DOI: 10.1097/ASW.0000000000000042.
- Mousavi S.A., Nazari M.A., Perrier P., Panahi M.S., Meadows J., Christen M.O., Mojallal A. & Payan Y. (2023). Finite element analysis of biomechanical interactions of a subcutaneous suspension suture and human face soft-tissue: a cadaver study. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 22:79, DOI: pdf
- Trebbi A., Fougeron N. & Payan Y. (2023). Definition and evaluation of a finite element model of the human heel for diabetic foot ulcer prevention under shearing loads. Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 118, 104022, DOI: pdf
- Connesson N., Briot N., Rohan P.Y., Barraud P.A., Elahi S.A. & Payan Y. (2023). Bilayer stiffness identification of soft tissues by suction. Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 63, pp. 715 742. DOI: 10.1007/s11340-023-00946-x pdf
- Mukhina E., Trebbi A., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2023). In vivo quantification of 3D displacement in sacral soft tissues under compression: Relevance of 2D US-based measurements for pressure ulcer risk assessment. Journal of Tissue Viability pdf
- Fougeron N., Rivals I., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Auguste S., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2023). Pressure Ulcers and Dressings: A Strain Sensitivity Analysis of the Boundary Conditions of a Finite Element Model. Biomechanics, 2023, 3, 1 12 ; doi: pdf
- Briot N., Chagnon G., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2022). In vivo measurement of breast tissues stiffness using a light aspiration device. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 99, 105743, DOI: pdf
- Alvarez P., Chabanas M., Sikora S., Rouz S., Payan Y. & Dillenseger J.L. (2022). Measurement and Analysis of Lobar Lung Deformation After a Change of Patient Position During Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, DOI: pdf
- Trebbi A., Mukhina E., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N., Bailet M., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). MR-based quantitative measurement of human soft tissue internal strains for pressure ulcer prevention. Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 108, 103888, DOI: pdf
- Fougeron N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Bahuon M., Guillin E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). New pressure ulcers dressings to alleviate human soft tissues: A finite element study. Journal of Tissue Viability, doi: pdf
- Briot N., Chagnon G., Burlet L., Gil H., Girard E. & Payan Y. (2022). Experimental characterisation and modelling of breast Cooper's ligaments. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, doi: pdf
- Elyasi E., Cavali G., Perrier A., Graff W. & Payan Y. (2022). Biomechanical Lower Limb Model to Predict Patellar Position Alteration after Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy. Journal of Biomechanics, doi: pdf
- Abou Karam M., Mukhina E., Daras N., Rivals I., Pillet H., Skalli W., Connesson N., Payan Y. & Rohan P.Y. (2022). Reliability of B-mode Ultrasound and shear wave elastography in evaluating sacral bone and soft tissue characteristics in young adults with clinical feasibility in elderly. Journal of Tissue Viability, doi:
- Trebbi A., Perrier A., Bailet M. & Payan Y. (2021). MR-compatible loading device for assessment of heel pad internal tissue displacements under shearing load. Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 98, pp. 125 132. pdf
- Elyasi E., Cavali G., Perrier A., Graff W. & Payan Y. (2021). A Systematic Review on Selected Complications of Open-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy from Clinical and Biomechanical Perspectives. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Vol. 2021, pdf
- Calka M., Perrier P., Ohayon J., Grivot-Boichon C., Rochette M. & Payan Y. (2021). Machine-Learning based model order reduction of a biomechanical model of the human tongue. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol 198, pdf
- Alvarez P., Rouz S., Miga M., Payan Y., Dillenseger J.L. & Chabanas M. (2021). A hybrid, image-based and biomechanics-based registration approach to markerless intraoperative nodule localization during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 69, 101983, DOI: pdf
- Kappert K.D.R., Connesson N., Elahi S.A., Boonstra S., Balm A.J.M., van der Heijden F. & Payan Y. (2021). In-vivo Tongue Stiffness Measured By Aspiration: Resting vs General Anesthesia. Journal of Biomechanics, pdf
- Caggiari S., Worsley P., Payan Y., Bucki M. & Bader D. (2020). Biomechanical monitoring and machine learning for the detection of lying postures. Clinical Biomechanics, pdf
- Barbier G., Perrier P., Payan Y., Tiede M.K., Gerber S., Perkell J.S. & M nard L. (2020). What anticipatory coarticulation in children tells us about speech motor control maturity, PLoS ONE, Vol. 15(4), e0231484.
- Elahi S.A., Connesson N., Chagnon G. & Payan Y. (2019). In-vivo soft tissues mechanical characterization: volume-based aspiration method validated on silicones. Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 59(2), pp 251 261. pdf
- Lustig M., Feng Q., Payan Y., Gefen A. & Benayahu D. (2019). Noninvasive Continuous Monitoring of Adipocyte Differentiation: From Macro to Micro Scales. Microscopy and Microanalysis, pp. 119-128. DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618015520. pdf
- Mira A., Carton A.K., Muller S. & Payan Y. (2018). A biomechanical breast model evaluated with respect to MRI data collected in three different positions. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 60, pp. 191-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.10.020 pdf
- Karkhaneh Yousefi A., Nazari M., Perrier P., Shariat Panahi M. & Payan Y. (2018). A new model of passive muscle tissue integrating Collagen Fibers: Consequences for muscle behavior analysis. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 88, pp. 29-40. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A., Chenu O., Dang M.V., Bosson J.L., Hommel M., Demongeot J., Cannard F., Diot B., Prince A., Hughes C., Vuillerme N., & Payan Y. (2018). Reduction of Prolonged Excessive Pressure in Seated Persons With Paraplegia Using Wireless Lingual Tactile Feedback: A Randomized Controlled Trial. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med., Vol. 6, DOI: 10.1109/JTEHM.2018.2842746. pdf
- Elahi S.A., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2018). Disposable system for in-vivo mechanical characterization of soft tissues based on volume measurement. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 18 Issue 4, DOI: 10.1142/S0219519418500379 pdf
- Karkhaneh Yousefi A., Nazari M., Perrier P., Shariat Panahi M. & Payan Y. (2018). A Visco-hyperelastic Constitutive Model and its Application in Bovine Tongue Tissue. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 71, pp. 190-198. pdf
- Luboz V., Baillet M., Boichon Grivot C., Rochette M., Diot B., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2018). Personalized modeling for real-time pressure ulcer prevention in sitting posture. Journal of Tissue Viability, Vol. 27, pp. 54-58. pdf
- Perrier A., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2018). Pr vention et innovation technologiques : autour de l'escarre et du mouvement. L'escarre, Vol. 78, pp. 11-13.
- Morin F., Courtecuisse H., Reinertsen I., Le Lann F., Palombi O., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2017). Brain-shift compensation using intraoperative ultrasound and constraint-based biomechanical simulation. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 40, pp. 133-153. pdf
- Rohan P-Y., Lobos C., Nazari M. A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2017). Finite-Element models of the human tongue: a mixed-element mesh approach. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Vol. 5 n 6, pp. 390-400, DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2015.1105760. pdf
- Payan Y. (2017). Pression d interface, d formation tissulaire et risque d escarre. L'escarre, Vol. 75, pp. 11-13. pdf
- Bucki M., Luboz V., Perrier A., Champion E., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2016). Clinical workflow for personalized foot pressure ulcer prevention. Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol. 38, pp. 845-853, DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.04.017. pdf
- Bijar A., Rohan P.Y., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2016). Atlas-Based Automatic Generation of Subject-Specific Finite Element Tongue Meshes. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 44(1), pp. 16-34. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-015-1497-y. pdf
- Antherieu G., Connesson N., Favier D., Mozer P. & Payan Y. (2016). Principle and experimental validation of a new apparatus allowing large deformation in pure bending: application to thin wire, Vol. 56, pp. 475 482. Experimental Mechanics, DOI 10.1007/s11340-015-0102-5. pdf
- Perrier A., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Ha Van G. (2016). Le risque d ulc ration du pied diab tique, de la physiopathologie la pr diction du risque. M decine des maladies M taboliques, Vol. 10 - N 6, pp. 519-525. DOI: 10.1016/S1957-2557(16)30165-1. pdf
- Askari M.A., Nazari M. A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2016). Evaluation of Residual Stresses in Human Face as a Function of Growth. International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, Vol. 10(1), pp. 142-148. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2015). Influence of the calcaneus shape on the risk of posterior heel ulcer using 3D patient-specific biomechanical modeling. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 43(2), pp. 325-335. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-014-1182-6. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Cannard F., Diot B., Colin D., Rin D., Bourg J.P., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2015). Towards foot ulcer prevention: The Intelligent Diabetic Socks (IDS) project. Wund Management, Vol 9(1), pp. 6-10. pdf
- Perrier A., Payan Y., Ha Van G. & Vuillerme N. (2015). La baropodom trie en routine clinique. Revue du podologue, N 63, pp. 14-17, Doi : 10.1016/j.revpod.2015.03.006. pdf
- Luboz V., Promayon E. & Payan Y. (2014). Linear Elastic Properties of the Facial Soft Tissues Using an Aspiration Device: Towards Patient Specific Characterization. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 42 (1), pp. 2369-2378. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-014-1098-1. pdf
- Luboz V., Petrizelli M., Bucki M., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Biomechanical Modeling to Prevent Ischial Pressure Ulcers. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 47, pp. 2231-2236. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Stavness I., Lloyd J.E., Bucki M., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Foot Ulcer Prevention Using Biomechanical Modeling. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 189-196. DOI: 10.1080/21681163.2013.837410. pdf
- Perrier A., Vuillerme N., Luboz V., Bucki M., Cannard F., Diot B., Colin D., Rin D., Bourg J.P. & Payan Y. (2014). Smart Diabetic Socks: Embedded device for diabetic foot prevention. Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, Vol 32 n 2, pp. 72-76. Special issue Technologies for Health and Autonomy. pdf
- Luboz V., Bucki M., Perrier A., Diot B., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Mod liser les tissus mous pour mieux pr venir les escarres. L'escarre, Vol. 63, pp. 8-11. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2013). The DLM, a 3D Finite Element Muscle Model Based on Feldman s lambda Model, and Assessment of Orofacial Gestures. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 56(6), pp. 1909-1923. DOI : 10.1044/1092-4388 pdf
- Chenu, O., Vuillerme, N., Bucki M., Diot, B., Cannard, F. & Payan Y. (2013). TexiCare: An innovative embedded device for pressure ulcer prevention. Preliminary results with a paraplegic volunteer. Journal of Tissue Viability, Vol. 22, pp. 83-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtv.2013.05.002. pdf
- Stavness I., Nazari M., Perrier P., Demolin D. & Payan Y. (2013). A Biomechanical Modeling Study of the Effects of the Orbicularis Oris Muscle and Jaw Posture on Lip Shape. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Vol. 56, pp. 878-890. DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2012/12-0200). pdf
- Chenu, O., Payan Y., Hlavackova P., Demongeot, J., Cannard, F., Diot, B. & Vuillerme, N. (2012). Pressure sores prevention for paraplegic people: effects of visual, auditive and tactile supplementations on overpressures distribution in seated posture. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 61-67. DOI: 10.3233/ABB-2011-0050. pdf
- Portnoy, S., Vuillerme, N., Payan Y. & Gefen A. (2011). Clinically-oriented real-time monitoring of the individual s risk for deep tissue injury. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 49(4), pp. 473-483. DOI 10.1007/s11517-011-0754-y. pdf (Nightingale Prize for best MBEC 2011 paper)
- Bucki M., Lobos C., Payan Y. & Hitschfeld N. (2011). Jacobian-based Repair Method for Finite Element Meshes after Registration. Engineering with Computers, Vol. 27, pp. 285 297. DOI: 10.1007/s00366-010-0198-2. pdf
- Stavness I., Lloyd J., Payan Y. & Fels S. (2011). Coupled Hard-Soft Tissue Simulation with Contact and Constraints Applied to Jaw-Tongue-Hyoid Dynamics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 367 390. DOI: 10.1002/cnm.1423. pdf
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Buchaillard S., Nazari M. & Chabanas M. (2011). Biomechanical models to study speech. Faits de Langue, Vol. 37, Special Issue "La parole : origines, d veloppement, structures.", L-J. Bo & J-L. Schwartz (eds.), ISSN : 1244-5460, pp.155-171. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2011). Shaping by stiffening: a modeling study for lips. Motor Control, Vol. 15(1), pp. 141-168. pdf
- Bucki M., Lobos C. & Payan Y. (2010). A Fast and Robust Patient Specific Finite Element Mesh Registration Technique: Application to 60 Clinical Cases. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 14, pp. 303 317. pdf
- Nesme M., Faure F. & Payan Y. (2010). Accurate Interactive Animation of deformable models at arbitrary resolution. International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 10 (2), pp. 175-202. pdf
- Bucki M., Nazari M. & Payan Y. (2010). Finite Element Speaker-Specific Face Model Generation for the Study of Speech Production. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 13(4), pp. 459 467. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2010). Simulation of dynamic orofacial movements using a constitutive law varying with muscle activation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 13(4), pp. 469 482. pdf
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2009). A wireless lingual feedback device to reduce overpressures in seated posture: A feasibility study, PLoS ONE, Vol. 4(10):e7550. pdf
- Schiavone P., Chassat F., Boudou T., Promayon E., Valdivia F. & Payan Y. (2009). In vivo measurement of human brain elasticity using a light aspiration device. Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 13, pp. 673 678. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Fleury A., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2009). A wireless embedded tongue tactile biofeedback system for balance control, Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Vol. 5, pp. 268-275. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2009). A biomechanical model of cardinal vowel production: Muscle activations and the impact of gravity on tongue positioning. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 126(4), pp. 2033 2051. pdf
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagr e P.Y., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2009). Modelling the human pharyngeal airway: validation of numerical simulations using in-vitro experiments. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 47(1), pp. 49-58. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Fleury A., Chenu O., Demongeot J., Payan Y. & Pavan P. (2008). Effectiveness of an electro-tactile vestibular substitution system in improving upright postural control in unilateral vestibular-defective patients, Gait & Posture, Vol. 28, pp. 711-715. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Pinsault N., Fleury A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2008). Can a plantar pressure-based tongue-placed electrotactile biofeedback improve postural control under altered vestibular and neck proprioceptive conditions?, Neuroscience, Vol. 155(1), pp. 291-296. pdf
- Bluteau J., Coquillart S., Payan Y. & Gentaz E. (2008). Haptic Guidance improves the visuo-manual tracking of trajectories. PLoS ONE, Vol. 3(3), e1775. pdf
- Jeannin C., Perrier P., Payan Y., Dittmar A. & Grosgogeat B. (2008). Tongue pressure recordings during speech using complete denture. Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol. 28, pp. 835 841. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Fleury A., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2008). Postural destabilization induced by trunk extensor muscles fatigue is suppressed by use of a plantar pressure-based electro-tactile biofeedback. European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 104(1), pp. 119-125. pdf
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagr e P.Y., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2008). Numerical and experimental study of expiratory flow in the case of major upper airway obstructions with fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 24, pp. 250 269. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Demongeot J., Payan Y. & Danilov Y. (2008). Sensory supplementation system based on electrotactile tongue biofeedback of head position for balance control. Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 431, pp. 206 210. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A., Chenu O., Prince A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). Pressure Ulcer Formation Prevention in Paraplegics Using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue: First Steps in a Sustainability Study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 129, pp. 1695-1697. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Brix M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2007). Simulations of the consequences of tongue surgery on tongue mobility: Implications for speech production in post-surgery conditions. International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Vol. 3(3), pp. 252-261. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Boisgontier M., Chenu O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). Tongue-placed tactile biofeedback suppresses the deleterious effects of muscle fatigue on joint position sense at the ankle. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 183(2), pp. 235-240. pdf
- Leroy A., Mozer P., Payan Y. & Troccaz J. (2007). Intensity-Based Registration of Freehand 3D Ultrasound and CT-scan Images of the Kidney. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol. 2(1), pp. 31-41. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Ong S.H., Payan Y. & Foong K. (2007). 3D Statistical Models for Tooth Surface Reconstruction. Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 37, pp. 1461-1471. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Boisgontier M., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). How a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback modifies postural control mechanisms during quiet standing. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 181, pp. 547 554. pdf
- Robineau F., Boy F., Orliaguet J-P., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). Guiding the surgical gesture using an electro-tactile stimulus array on the tongue: A feasibility study. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 54(4), pp. 711-717. pdf
- Chassat F., Bucki M., Payan Y. & Jaillet F. (2007). Neuronavegaci n con un modelo de correcci n a tiempo real con ecograf a intraoperatoria. Revista de Neurocirug a Funcional, Estereotaxia y Radiocirug a Neurotarget. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). Controlling posture using a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback system. Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 179, pp. 409-414. pdf
- Mozer P., Conort P., Leroy A., Baumann M., Payan Y., Troccaz J., Chartier-Kastler E. & Richard F. (2007). Aid to percutaneous renal access by virtual projection of the ultrasound puncture tract onto fluoroscopic images. Journal of Endourology, vol. 21(5), pp. 460-465. pdf
- Luboz V. Swider P., Ambard D., Boutault F. & Payan Y. (2007). Intra-operative quantification of the surgical gesture in orbital surgery: application to the proptosis reduction. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 22, pp. 298-303. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Boisgontier M., Chenu O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). Inter-individual variability in sensory weighting of a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback for controlling posture. Neuroscience Letters, vol. 421, pp. 173 177. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A., Prince A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2006). A New Health Strategy to Prevent Pressure Ulcer Formation in Paraplegics using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 124, pp. 926-931. pdf
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagr e P.Y., Paoli J.R., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2006). Simulation of the retroglossal fluid-structure interaction during Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4072, pp. 48-57. pdf
- Troccaz J., Baumann M., Berkelman P., Cinquin P., Daanen V., Leroy A., Marchal M., Payan Y., Promayon E., Voros S., Bart S., Bolla M., Chartier-Kastler E., Descotes J.L., Dusserre A., Giraud J.Y., Long J.A., Moalic R., Mozer P. (2006). Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Medical Interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in Urology. Proceedings of the IEEE, issue on Medical Robotics, Vol.94, No.9, pp. 1665-1677. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A, Prince A., Chenu O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2006). Pr sentation d'une m thodologie d' valuation de la faisabilit de la substitution sensorielle par lectrostimulation linguale pour la pr vention des escarres chez le bl ss m dullaire parapl gique. L'escarre, Vol. 31, pp. 21-23. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2006). Improving human ankle joint position sense using an artificial tongue-placed tactile biofeedback. Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 405, pp. 19-23. pdf
- Nesme M., Faure F. & Payan Y. (2006). Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Finite Element Model for Soft Body Simulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4072, pp. 40-47. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2006). 3D Semi-Landmark based Statistical Face Reconstruction. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 31-43. pdf
- Vogt F., Lloyd J., Buchaillard S., Perrier P., Chabanas M., Payan Y., & S. Fels (2006). Investigation of Efficient 3D Finite Element Modeling of a Muscle-Activated Tongue. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4072, pp. 19-28. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A., Robineau F., Andre P-F, Prince A., Pauget P., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2006). Utilisation de la substitution sensorielle par lectro-stimulation linguale pour la pr vention des escarres chez les parapl giques. Etude pr liminaire. L'escarre, Vol. 30, pp. 34-37. pdf
- Mozer P., Leroy A., Payan Y., Troccaz J., Chartier-Kastler E. & Richard F. (2005). Computer-assisted access to the kidney. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer-Assisted Surgery, Vol 1, No 4, pp. 58-66. pdf
- Luboz V., Chabanas M., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2005). Orbital and Maxillofacial Computer Aided Surgery: Patient-Specific Finite Element Models To Predict Surgical Outcomes. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 8 (4), pp. 259-265. pdf
- Gerard J.M., Ohayon J., Luboz V., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2005). Non linear elastic properties of the lingual and facial tissues assessed by indentation technique. Application to the biomechanics of speech production, Medical Engineering & Physics, Vol. 27 (10), pp. 884-892. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G., Payan Y. & Romaniuk B. (2005). Missing data estimation using polynomial kernels. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3686, pp. 390-399. pdf
- Nesme M., Marchal M., Promayon E., Chabanas M., Payan Y. & Faure F. (2005). Physically realistic interactive simulation for biological soft tissues. Recent Research Developments in Biomechanics, Transworld Research Network, Vol.2., pp. 117-139. ISBN 81-7895-177-0. pdf
- Luboz V., Ambard D., Swider P., Boutault F. & Payan Y. (2005). Computer assisted planning and orbital surgery: patient-related prediction of osteotomy size in proptosis reduction, Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 20 (9), pp. 900-905. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2004). 3D Meshes Registration : Application to statistical skull model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3212, pp. 100-107. pdf
- Leroy A., Mozer P., Payan Y. & Troccaz J. (2004). Rigid Registration of Freehand 3D Ultrasound and CT-Scan Kidney Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3216, pp. 837-844. pdf
- Gerard J.M., Ohayon J., Luboz V., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2004). Indentation for estimating the human tongue soft tissues constitutive law: application to a 3D biomechanical model to study speech motor control and pathologies of the upper airways. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3078, pp. 77-83. pdf
- Luboz V., Pedrono A., Ambard D., Boutault F., Payan Y. & Swider P. (2004). Prediction of tissue decompression in orbital surgery, Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 19 (2), pp. 202-208. pdf
- Luboz V., Pedrono A., Ambard D., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2004). A finite element study of the influence of the osteotomy surface on the backward displacement during exophthalmia reduction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3078, pp. 49-57. pdf
- Chabanas M., Payan Y., Mar caux C., Swider P. & Boutault F. (2004). Comparison of linear and non-linear soft tissue models with post-operative CT scan in maxillofacial surgery. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3078, pp. 19-27. pdf
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Zandipour M. & Perkell J. (2003). Influences of tongue biomechanics on speech movements during the production of velar stop consonants: a modeling study, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 114 (3), pp. 1582-1599. pdf
- Gerard J.M., Wilhelms-Tricarico R., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2003). A 3D dynamical biomechanical tongue model to study speech motor control. Recent Research Developments in Biomechanics, Transworld Research Network, Vol.1, pp. 49-64. ISBN 81-7895-084-7. pdf
- Payan Y., Pelorson X. & Perrier P. (2003). Physical modelling of the airflow-walls interactions to understand the sleep apnea syndrome. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2673, pp. 261-269. pdf
- Chabanas M., Luboz V. & Payan Y. (2003). Patient specific Finite Element model of the face soft tissue for computer-assisted maxillofacial surgery, Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 131-151. pdf
- Luboz V., Pedrono A., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2003). A 3D Finite Element evaluation of the exophthalmia reduction. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 166-167. pdf
- Chabanas M., Mar caux C., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2002). Models for Planning and Simulation in Computer Assisted Orthognatic Surgery. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2489, pp. 315-322. pdf
- Payan Y., Chabanas M., Pelorson X., Vilain C., Levy P., Luboz V. & Perrier P. (2002). Biomechanical models to simulate consequences of maxillofacial surgery. C. R. Biologies, Vol. 325, 407-417. pdf
- Luboz V., Pedrono A., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2002). Simulation of the Exophthalmia Reduction using a Finite Element Model of the Orbital Soft Tissues. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2489, pp. 323-330. pdf
- Voirin D., Payan Y., Amavizca M., L toublon C., Troccaz J. (2002). Computer-aided hepatic tumour ablation : requirements and preliminary results. C. R. Biologies, Vol. 325, 309-319. pdf
- Voirin D., Payan Y., Amavizca M., Leroy A., L toublon C. & Troccaz J. (2001). Computer-aided hepatic tumour ablation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2208, pp. 1145-1146. pdf
- Couteau B., Payan Y. & Lavall e S. (2000). The Mesh-Matching algorithm: an automatic 3D mesh generator for finite element structures, Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 33/8, 1005-1009. pdf
- Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2000). A 3D Finite Element model of the face for simulation in plastic and maxillo-facial surgery. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1935, pp. 1068-1075. pdf
- Bettega G., Payan Y., Mollard B., Boyer A., Rapha l B. and Lavall e S. (2000). A simulator for maxillo-facial surgery integrating cephalometry and orthodontia, Computer Aided Surgery, Vol. 5(3), 156-165. pdf
- Couteau B., Payan Y., Lavall e S., Hobatho M.C. (1999). The Mesh-Matching algorithm: a new automatic 3D mesh generator for Finite Element analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1679, pp. 1175-1182. pdf
- Payan Y., Bettega G. & Rapha l B. (1998). A biomechanical model of the human tongue and its clinical implications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1496, pp. 688-695. pdf
- Payan Y. & L venbruck H. (1998). The relationship between the central commands and the phonological level. Bulletin de la Communication Parl e, 4, 69-74.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (1997). Synthesis of V-V sequences with a 2D biomechanical tongue model controlled by the Equilibrium Point Hypothesis. Speech Communication, 22, 185-205. pdf
- Sanguineti V., Laboissi re R. & Payan Y. (1997). A control model of human tongue movements in speech. Biological Cybernetics, 77 (11), 11-22. pdf
- Perrier P., L venbruck H. & Payan Y. (1996). Control of tongue movements in speech: The Equilibrium point Hypothesis perspective. Journal of Phonetics, 24, 53-75. pdf
3. Journal Abstracts
- Picard M.C., Perrier P., Nazari A.M., Rochette M., Lartizien R., Bettega G. & Payan Y. (2024). Automatic generation of patient-specific face finite element meshes. Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 339-341. DOI: 10.46298/mbj.14538. pdf
- Duraes M., Briot N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Payan Y., Duflos C., Rathat G., Captier G. & Herlin C.(2024). Evaluation des propriétés biomécaniques et description anatomique des tissus du sein : première étape du développement d'un modèle générique et numérique en 3D du sein. Morphologie, Vol. 108 (Issue 363), 100798. pdf
- Pissonnier M.L., Perrier A., Bucki M., Tonetti J., Carlier R. & Payan Y. (2024). Conception and evaluation of a musculoskeletal finite element model of the lumbar spine. Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 397-399. DOI: 10.46298/mbj.14552. pdf
- Calka M., Picard M.C., Perrier P., Rochette M. & Payan Y. (2023). Automatic generation of patient-specific finite element meshes of the face and oral cavity for orofacial digital twins. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 26:sup1, S196-S198, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2246304. pdf
- Kamaei N., Kazemi A., Nazari M.A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2023). The soft tissues tension-compression asymmetry: challenges and solutions Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 26:sup1, S99-S101, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2246304. pdf
- Picard M.C., Cotton M., Briot N., Nazari M., Poisbleau D., Perrier P., Chagnon G., Rochette M. & Payan Y. (2023). Biomechanical model of the human face with a perspective of surgical assistance. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 26:sup1, S202-S204, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2023.2246304. pdf
- Alvarez P., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2022). Is pre-stress important for simulating lung pneumothorax ? Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25:sup1, S8-S10, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2116885. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2022). Interwoven muscle fibers: a 3D two-fiber muscle active model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25:sup1, S226-S228, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2116885. pdf
- Mukhina E., Connesson N., Rohan P.Y. & Payan Y. (2022). In vivo estimation of skin elasticity: would you choose US Shear Wave Elastography or a custom-made aspiration device? Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25:sup1, S217-S219, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2116885. pdf
- Fougeron N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Bahuon M., Guillin E. & Payan Y. (2022). Modelling quasi-incompressibility of soft-tissues to quantify strains for pressure ulcers healing. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25:sup1, S119-S121, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2116885. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). Can soft tissue modelling approach impact simulation-based clinical decisions about high tibial osteotomy? Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 25:sup1, S106-S108, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2022.2116885. pdf
- Briot N., Chagnon G., Masri C., Girard E. & Payan Y. (2020). Ex-Vivo Mechanical Characterisation of the Breast Cooper s Ligaments. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S49-S51, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1812155. pdf
- Mukhina E., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2020). Calibration of the fat and muscle hyperelastic material parameters for the assessment of the internal tissue deformation in relation to pressure ulcer prevention. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S197-S199, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1813426. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P., Meadows J., Christen M.O., Mojallal A. & Payan Y. (2020). Studying the Effects of Facial Muscles Activations to Investigate the Optimum Positioning of Subcutaneous Suspension Sutures. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S203-S205, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1822050. pdf
- Calka M., Perrier P., Ohayon J., Grivot-Boichon C., Rochette M. & Payan Y. (2020). Real-time Simulations of human tongue movements with a Reduced Order Model of a Non-linear Dynamic Biomechanical Model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23:sup1, S55-S57, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2020.1812158. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2019). The Effect of Rectus Femoris Muscle Modelling Technique on Knee Joint Kinematics. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 22, sup1, S191-S193, pdf
- Perrier A., Gatin L., Bucki M., Geffrier A., Denormandie P. & Payan Y. (2019). Biomechanical modeling of the diabetic foot ulcer risk to guide surgery. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 22, sup1, S243-S244, pdf
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Nazari M., Hermant N., Rohan P.Y., Lobos C. & Bijar A. (2016). Speech biomechanics: What have we learned and modeled since Joseph Perkell s tongue model In 1974?. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 139(4), pp. 2193,
- Perrier A., Bucki M., Luboz V., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2015). 3D musculo-skeletal finite element analysis of the foot kinematics under muscle activation with and without ankle arthrodesis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, N S1, pp. 2022-2023, pdf
- Morin F., Courtecuisse H., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2015). Rest shape computation for highly deformable model of brain. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, N S1, pp. 2006-2007, pdf
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2015). Conception and evaluation of a 3D musculoskeletal finite element foot model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 18, N S1, pp. 2024-2025, pdf
- Rohan P.Y., Lobos C., Nazari M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2014). Finite element modelling of nearly incompressible materials and volumetric locking: a case study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. S1, pp. 192 193, pdf
- Antherieu G., Connesson N., Payan Y., Favier D. & Mozer P. (2014). NiTi based stent for the treatment of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic hyperplasia: a preliminary study on NiTi wires and tubes under pure bending. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 17, No. S1, pp. 190 191, pdf
- Vallier S., Troccaz J., Gabelle-Flandin I. & Payan Y. (2013). Biomechanical breast modelling to improve patient positioning during breast cancer radiotherapy. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. S1, pp. 278 279, pdf
- Bucki M., Payan Y., Cannard F., Diot B. & Vuillerme N. (2013). Multi-Modal Framework for Subject-Specific Finite Element Model Generation aimed at Pressure Ulcer Prevention. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. S1, pp. 147 148, pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2013). Dynamic biomechanical modeling for foot ulcer prevention. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. S1, pp. 149 151, pdf
- Payan Y. (2012). Biomechanics for computer-assisted surgery. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, pp. 8 9. pdf
- Barth I., Bensmail D., Hlavackova P., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2012). Impact of the perception of bed sores in patients with neurological pathology on medical practice: Preliminary results of an exploratory survey in a PMR department. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Volume 55, n S1 p. e141, DOI: 10.1016/ pdf
- Bucki M., Luboz V., Lobos C., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2012). Patient-specific finite element model of the buttocks for pressure ulcer prevention linear versus non-linear modelling. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, pp. 38 40. pdf
- Deram A., Luboz V., Promayon E. & Payan Y. (2012). Using a 3D Biomechanical Model To Improve a Light Aspiration Device for In Vivo Soft Tissue Characterization. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, pp. 41 43. pdf
- Perrier A., Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Bucki M., Luboz V., Chenu O., Diot B. & Cannard F. (2012). Real time embedded foot pressure monitoring and subject specific biomechanical modelling: an innovative coupling for diagnosis and treatment in ortho-paedics. Rheumatology, 2:3, DOI: 10.4172/261-1149.S1.003. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Vuillerme N., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F. & Payan Y. (2012). Foot Biomechanical Modeling to Study Orthoses Influence. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. S1, September 2012, pp. 360 362. pdf
- Chenu, O., Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B., Colin D. & Payan Y. (2011). Pressure ulcer prevention in spinal cord injury subjects using the TexiSense pressure sensing textile. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54S1, CO36-004-EN, DOI: 10.1016/ pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2011). Mod lisation par l ments finis du pied : un outil pour la conception et la validation d appareillage podologique. Revue du Podologue, n 41, pp. 7. pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B., Becquet G. & Payan Y. (2011). The TexiSense Smart Sock - a device for a daily prevention of pressure ulcers in the diabetic foot. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54S1, P071-EN, DOI: 10.1016/ pdf
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Bucki M., Diot B. & Cannard F. (2011). Vigi-Foot : une chaussette intelligente pour la surveillance ambulatoire et en temps r el des pressions autour du pied. Revue du Podologue, n 40, pp. 6. pdf
- Chenu, O., Payan Y., Hlavackova, P., Diot, B., Cannard, F., Demongeot, J., & Vuillerme, N. (2010). Preventing pressure sores in elderly persons using an embedded biofeedback system: A proof-of-concept study. Gerontechnology, Vol. 9, 273; doi:10.4017/gt.2010.
- Pinsault, N., Hallynck, V., Chenu, O., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Effets d un dispositif de suppl ance perceptive tactilo-tactile sur le contr le de la posture bip dique des personnes amput es de membre inf rieur. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 52S, e148.
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Corriger sa posture assise l aide d un dispositif de suppl ance perceptive visuo-tactile. Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, pp. 247-248.
- Buchaillard S., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2008). Muscle saturation effect in /i/ production: Counterevidence from a 3D biomechanical model of the tongue. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 123(5), pp. 3321. pdf
- Bucki M., Lobos C. & Payan Y. (2007). Bio-Mechanical Model of the Brain for a Per-Operative Image-Guided Neuronavigator Compensating for Brain-Shift Deformations. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Soci t de Biom canique 2007, Supplement 1, pp. 25-26. pdf
- Schiavone P., Boudou T., Ohayon J. & Payan Y. (2007). In-vivo measurement of the human soft tissues constitutive laws. Applications to Computer Aided Surgery. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Soci t de Biom canique 2007, Supplement 1, pp. 185-186. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Pinsault N., Fleury A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). A Plantar-pressure Based Tongue-placed Tactile Biofeedback System for Balance Improvement. Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Soci t de Biom canique 2007, Supplement 1, pp. 63-64. pdf
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagr e P.Y., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2006). Fluid-structure interaction in obstructive sleep apnea: Validation of numerical simulations using in-vitro measurements. Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 39, Issue (Supplement 1), Page S441, , Soci t de Biom canique 2006 pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A, Robineau F, Andr P-F, Prince A., Pauget P, Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2005). Substitution sensorielle par lectrostimulation linguale et pr vention des escarres chez les parapl giques. Etude pr liminaire. Ann. Readapt. Med. Phys., vol. 48 (7), pp. 524-525. pdf
- Chouly F., Payan Y. & Paoli J-R (2005). Simulation de l'interaction entre air inspir et tissus pharyng s pour l'aide au planning en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale vol. 106, 4 (Suppl.), pp. 1S11-1S12.
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Maubleu S., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2005). Traumatologie orbito-zygomatique et chirurgie assist e par ordinateur. Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale vol. 106, 4 (Suppl.), pp. 1S31.
- Moreau-Gaudry A, Robineau F, Andr P-F, Prince A., Pauget P, Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2005). Pr vention des escarres chez les parapl giques. Une nouvelle approche. Revue L'escarre, Vol. 27, pp. 54.
- Gerard J.M., Perrier P., Payan Y. & Wilhelms-Tricarico R. (2004). A new 3D dynamical biomechanical tongue model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 115, p. 2431.
- Luboz V., Mar caux C., Pedrono A., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2003). Computer aided orbital surgery for exophtalmia. Computer Aided Surgery, Vol.8, Number 4, pp. 217.
- Van Hirtum A., Chouly F., Teul A., Vilain C., Payan Y. & Pelorson X. (2003). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Part 1: In-vitro study of the fluid-structure interaction. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry vol. 111, pp. 60, Soci t de Biom canique 2003. pdf
- Chabanas M., Mar caux C., Chouly F., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2003). Evaluating soft tissue simulation for computer-aided orthognatic surgery using pre and post-operative CT scan. Computer Aided Surgery, Vol.8, Number 3, pp. 157-158.
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2003). Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Part 2: computer simulation of the fluid-structure interaction. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry vol. 111, pp. 54, Soci t de Biom canique 2003. pdf
- Mar caux C., Sidjilani B-M., Chabanas M., Chouly F., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2003). A new 3D cephalometric analysis for planning in computer aided orthognatic surgery. Computer Aided Surgery, Vol.8, Number 4, pp. 217.
- Gerard J.M., Wilhelms-Tricarico R., Payan Y. & Perrier P. (2003). A 3D biomechanical tongue model to simulate speech movements. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry vol. 111, pp. 7, Soci t de Biom canique 2003. pdf
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Perkell J., Zandipour M. & Matthies M. (1999). VCV synthesis from muscle commands. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 105, no. 2, 1356 A, p. 1091.
- Mooshammer C., Perrier P., Payan Y. (1999). Simulation of token-to-token variability in vowel production. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 105, no. 2, 1356 A, p. 1356.
- Pelorson X., SaidiSoulliere C., Payan Y. & Levy P. (1998) Physical modeling of the upper airway collapse during sleep apnoea. Journal of the European Respiratory Society, Vol. 12, Supplement 28, 163s.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (1998). Un mod le biom canique pour simuler les d formations et les mouvements sagittaux de la langue. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, vol. 106, supplement B, 148, Soci t de Biom canique 1998. pdf
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (b) (1996). Tongue control in speech : Some proposals tested on a biomechanical model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.99, N 4, Pt.2, 2aSC10, p. 2473.
- Sanguineti V., Laboissi re R. & Payan Y. (1996). Tongue articulators as muscle synergies. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.100, N 4, Pt.2, 2pSC17, p. 2659.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (b) (1993). Vowel normalization by articulatory normalization : Preliminary results. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 93 (4), 5pSP14 (A), p. 2424.
4. Patents/Brevets
- Cannard F., Diot B., Lavarenne A, Lavarenne E., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2016). Device intended for measuring pressure from a flexible, foldable, and/or extendable object made of a textile material and comprising a measurement device - Num: US 9,448,127 B2, September 20th 2016. pdf
- Connesson N., Antherieu G., Favier D. & Payan Y. (2016). Pure bending mechanical test device and method for implementing. Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2016/001426 A1, January 7, 2016. pdf
- Favier D., Mozer P., Payan Y., Antherieu G. & Connesson N. (2016). Stent spacer - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / Assistance Publique - H pitaux de Paris. Num: US 2016/0151179 A1, June 2nd, 2016. pdf
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2015). Image processing method for estimating a brain shift. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: US 9,008,381 B2, 14/04/2015. pdf
- Cannard F., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Diot B. (2015). Device intended for measuring pressure from a flexible, foldable, and/or extendable object made of a textile material and comprising a measurement device, Num: US 8,925,393 B2, January 6th 2015. pdf
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2014). Method for registering a set of points in images. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: US 8,724,926 B2, 13/05/2014. pdf
- Connesson N., Antherieu G., Favier D. & Payan Y. (2014). Dispositif de flexion pure et proc d de mise en oeuvre - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: FR N 14/46479, July 4th, 2014.
- Vuillerme N., Noury N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2013). Method and device for detecting and preventing plantar ulcers. Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: US 8,454,539 B2, 04/06/2013. pdf
- Favier D., Mozer P., Payan Y., Antherieu G. & Connesson N. (2013). Ecarteur de type stent - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / Assistance Publique - H pitaux de Paris. Num: FR N 13/55935, June 21, 2013.
- Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2012). Device intended for measuring pressure from a flexible, foldable, and/or extendable object made of a textile material and comprising a measurement device - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: WO 2012/095608 A2, July 19, 2012. pdf
- Cannard F., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Diot B. (2012). Device intended for measuring pressure from a flexible, foldable, and/or extendable object made of a textile material and comprising a measurement device - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: WO 2012/101374 A1, August 02, 2012. pdf
- Cannard F., Diot B., Lavarenne C., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. (2011). Dispositif de mesure de la pression partir d un objet souple, pliable et/ou extensible r alis partir de mati re textile comportant un dispositif de mesure - Partie 1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: FR11 50283, 13 janvier 2011.
- Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vazquez-Buenosaires J.O (2011). Eschar prevention device. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: US 2011/0288444 A1, 24/11/2011. pdf
- Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2011). Dispositif de mesure de la pression partir d un objet souple, pliable et/ou extensible r alis partir de mati re textile comportant un dispositif de mesure - Partie 2. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: FR11 50589, 25 janvier 2011.
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2010). Method for registering a set of points in images. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2010/037852 A1, 08/04/2010.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Chenu O., Diot B., Cannard F. & Lavarenne C. (2010). Device for preventing the occurrence of eschars. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: WO 2010/057926, May 27th 2010.
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2010). Image processing method for estimating a brain shift in a patient. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2010/037850 A2, 08/04/2010.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2010). Method and device for the rehabilitation and/or correction of postural symmetry in static or dynamic situations. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: US 2010/0056957, 04/03/2010.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2009). Intraoral device for tactile stimulation and activation. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2009/016032 A1, 05/02/2009.
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2008). Proc d pour le recalage d un ensemble de points dans des images. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: FR 08 56711, 03/10/2008.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Chenu O., Diot B. & Cannard F. (2008). Dispositif anti-escarres. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / IDS ARCAN. Num: FR 08 57907, 11/11/2008.
- Colin B. & Payan Y. (2008). Oral prosthesis system including an electrostimulation device associated with a wireless transmission-reception device. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2008/139099 A2, November 20th 2008.
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2008). Proc d de traitement d image pour estimer une d formation d un cerveau d un patient. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: FR 08 56712, 03/10/2008.
- Vuillerme N., Noury N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2008). Method and device for detecting and preventing plantar ulcers. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2008/006995 A2, January 17th 2008.
- Noury N., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2008). Prevention and compensation of cognitive deficits with the help of a device for lingual electrostimulation in a multireceptive home automation environment. Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2008/009833 A2, January 24th 2008.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2007). Method and device for the rehabilitation and/or correction of postural symmetry in static or dynamic situations. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2007/141461, 13/12/2007.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2007). Dispositif endo-buccal de stimulation tactile et d'actionnement. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: FR 07/56850, 31 juillet 2007.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2007). Method and device for assisting the driving of a motor vehicle. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO 2007/141462, 13/12/2007.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2007). Proc d et dispositif de r ducation et/ou correction de la sym trie posturale dans des situations statiques ou dynamiques. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: PCT/FR2007/051409, 11 juin 2007.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2007). Proc d et dispositif d'assistance la conduite d'un v hicule automobile. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: PCT/FR2007/051410, 11 juin 2007.
- Colin B. & Payan Y. (2009). Proth se buccale sans fil. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: FR2914562, d livr le 29/05/2009, France.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Noury N. & Demongeot J. (2006). Proc d s et dispositifs de d tection et de pr vention des ulc res plantaires. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: 06/52073, 9 juin 2006, France.
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Noury N. & Demongeot J. (2006). Proc d et dispositif de r ducation et/ou correction de position statique ou dynamique. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: 06/52084, 9 juin 2006, France.
- Noury N., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2006). Pr vention et compensation des d ficits cognitifs l'aide d'un dispositif d' lectro-stimulation linguale dans un environnement multiperceptif domotique. Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: 06/52079, 9 juin 2006, France.
- Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vazquez J. (2006). Eschar prevention device. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: WO2006008406, 26 January 2006.
- Payan Y., Luboz V., Swider P. & Ambard D. (2005). Biological tissue's e.g. skin, mechanical stiffness measuring tool for e.g. plastic surgery, has pushing surface against which user applies force, and membrane that measures force applied by support surface on surface of medium. Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble / Universit Paul Sabatier de Toulouse. Num: FR2863856, 24 June 2005, France.
- Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vazquez J. (2004). Dispositif de pr vention d'escarre. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble. Num: 04/51319, 24 Juin 2004, France.
5. Book Chapter
- Calka M., Perrier P., Rochette M. Payan Y. (2024). Biomechanical Modeling of the Human Tongue. In Mechanics of Living Tissues: Imaging, Characterization and Modeling Towards the Study of Soft Tissues, C. Laurent & C. Verdier editors, Wiley, ISBN: 9781789451603, Chapter 4, pp. 95-115. DOI: 10.1002/9781394306596.ch4. pdf
- Picard M.C., Perrier P., Nazari M. & Payan Y. (2024). Model-based simulations of the insertion of tensor threads in patient-specific human face: a proof of concept. In Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, pp. 29-36, ISBN 978-3-031-55314-1, pdf
- Calka M., Perrier P., Rochette M. Payan Y. (2023). Model Order Reduction of a 3D Biomechanical Tongue Model: A solution for real-time movement simulations to study speech motor control. In Reduced Order Models for the Biomechanics of Living Organs, Chinesta F., Cueto E., Payan Y. & Ohayon J. editors, Elsevier, Academic Press Series in Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 9780323899673, Chapter 13, pages 257-270. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-32-389967-3.00018-4.
- Calka M., Perrier P., Rochette & Payan Y. (2023). Mod lisation biom canique de la langue humaine. In Introduction la m canique du vivant : applications, d fis et m thodes, Cedric Laurent editor, ISTE Editions, Chapitre 4, pp. 129-140, ISBN : 19781789481600.
- Friedman R., Shabshin N., Payan Y. & Gefen A. (2020). Heel ulcers: investigating injurious tissue load thresholds in humans, based on a patient-specific computational heel model. In Innovations and Emerging Technologies in Wound Care, Amit Gefen editor, Elsevier, pp. 123-139. DOI: pdf
- Niroomandi S., Perrier A., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2020). Real-time computer modeling in prevention of foot pressure ulcer using patient-specific finite element model and model order reduction techniques. In Innovations and Emerging Technologies in Wound Care, Amit Gefen editor, Elsevier, pp. 87-102. pdf
- Courtecuisse H., Morin F., Reinertsen I., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2019). Computational Biomechanics of the Brain in the Operating Theatre. In Biomechanics of the Brain, K. Miller editor, Springer Verlag, pp. 321-344. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04996-6_13 pdf
- Lloyd J., Sanchez A., Widing E., Stavness I, Fels S., Niroomandi S., Perrier A., Payan Y. & Perrier P. (2019). New Techniques for Combined FEM-Multibody Anatomical Simulation. In New Developments on Computational Methods and Imaging in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, J.M.R.S. Tavares & P.R. Fernandes editors, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics book series, Vol. 999, Springer Verlag, pp 75-92. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-23073-9_6 pdf
- Bucki M., Luboz V., Perrier A., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2018). Body numerical phantoms for estimating soft tissue pains or injuries when interacting with shoes, seats and mattress. In Body and Tissue Phantoms in Biomedical Science and Industry Research, Amit Gefen editor, Studies in Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering and Biomaterial, Springer Verlag. pdf
- Mira A., Carton A.K., Muller S. & Payan Y. (2018). Breast biomechanical modeling for compression optimization in digital breast tomosynthesis. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Bioengineering, A. Gefen and D. Weihs editors, pp. 29-35, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59764-5_4 pdf
- Morin F., Chabanas M., Courtecuisse H. & Payan Y. (2017). Biomechanical modeling of brain soft tissues for medical applications. In Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling, Y. Payan and J. Ohayon editors, Chapter 6, pp. 127-146, Elsevier. pdf
- Flynn C., Nazari M.A., Perrier P., Fels S., Nielsen P. & Payan Y. (2017). Computational modeling of the passive and active components of the face. In Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling, Y. Payan and J. Ohayon editors, Chapter 18, pp. 377-394, Elsevier. pdf
- Hermant N., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2017). Human tongue biomechanical modeling. In Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling, Y. Payan and J. Ohayon editors, Chapter 19, pp. 395-411, Elsevier. pdf
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2017). Biomechanical modeling of the foot. In Biomechanics of Living Organs: Hyperelastic Constitutive Laws for Finite Element Modeling, Y. Payan and J. Ohayon editors, Chapter 25, pp. 545-563, Elsevier. pdf
- Payan Y. (2016). Soft Tissue Finite Element Modeling and Calibration of the Material Properties in the Context of Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions. In Material Parameter Identification and Inverse Problems in Soft Tissue Biomechanics, S. Avril and S. Evans editors, CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences 573, Chapter 6, pp. 133-143, Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45071-1_6. pdf
- I. Stavness, M. Nazari, C. Flynn, P. Perrier, Y. Payan, J. Lloyd and S. Fels (2014). Coupled Biomechanical Modeling of the Face, Jaw, Skull, Tongue, and Hyoid Bone. In 3D Multiscale Physiological Human, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Osman Ratib & Hon Fai Choi editors, Chapter 11, Springer Verlag London, pp. 253-274. DOI : 10.1007/978-1-4471-6275-9_11. pdf
- Y. Payan (2014). Biom canique pour les gestes m dico-chirurgicaux assist s par ordinateur. In Techniques de l Ing nieur, article MED8200. paper
- V. Luboz, E. Promayon, G. Chagnon, T. Alonso, D. Favier, C. Barthod & Payan Y. (2012). Validation of a Light Aspiration device for in vivo Soft TIssue Characterization (LASTIC). In Yohan Payan editor, Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, pp. 243-256, Springer Verlag, Berlin, DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_123.
- M. Bucki, O. Palombi, M. Bailet & Payan Y. (2012). Doppler Ultrasound Driven Biomechanical Model of the Brain for Intraoperative Brain-Shift Compensation: A Proof of Concept in Clinical Conditions. In Yohan Payan editor, Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, pp. 135-165, Springer Verlag, Berlin, DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_119.
- Payan Y. (2012). Introduction. In Yohan Payan editor, Soft Tissue Biomechanical Modeling for Computer Assisted Surgery, pp. 1-3, Springer Verlag, Berlin, DOI : 10.1007/8415_2012_130.
- Berar M., Tilotta F., Glaun s J.A., Rozenholc Y., Desvignes M., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2011). Facial Reconstruction as a Regression Problem. In Andriani Daskalaki editor, Digital Forensics for the Health Sciences: Applications in Practice and Research, pp. 68-87, Chapter 5, Medical Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Hershey - New York, ISBN 978-1-60960-483-7. pdf
- Boisgontier M., Chenu O., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2011). Le syst me nerveux central est-il capable d int grer une information artificielle linguale pour compenser une alt ration proprioceptive de la cheville induite par une fatigue musculaire ? In Defebvre L, Lacour M, eds. Posture et Locomotion (Coll. posture & quilibre). Marseille, France; Solal; 2011: pp. 227-237. pdf
- Lobos C., Payan Y. & Hitschfeld N. (2010). Techniques for the generation of 3D Finite Element Meshes of human organs. In A. Daskalaki (Ed.), Informatics in Oral Medicine: Advanced Techniques in Clinical and Diagnostic Technologies. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference, pp. 126-158, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-733-1. pdf
- Chenu O., Cuisinier R., Pinsault N., Demongeot J., Payan Y. and Vuillerme N. (2009). Effets d'une suppl ance perceptive visuelle, auditive et tactile sur le contr le des pressions fessi res en position assise. In Technologie tactile et ses applications pour les handicaps, Edwige Pissaloux Editor, Sciences et technologies pour le handicap, Hermes, pp. 229-239.
- Van Hirtum A., Chouly F., Lagree P.Y., Paoli J.R., Payan Y. & Pelorson X. (2007). When a fluid-structure interaction keeps you awake : a physical approach to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In Progress in Sleep Apnea Research, Robert T. Ferber editor, Nova Science Publishers, Chapter2, pp. 41-76, ISBN 1600216528. pdf
- Berar M., Bailly G., Chabanas M., Desvignes M., Elisei F., Odisio M. & Payan Y. (2006). Morphing Generic Organs To Speaker-Specific Anatomies. In J. Harrington & M. Tabain (eds), Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques. pp. 341-362, Chapter 20, Psychology Press, New York, ISBN 1841694371. pdf
- Gerard, J.M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2006). 3D biomechanical tongue modeling to study speech production. In J. Harrington & M. Tabain (eds), Speech Production: Models, Phonetic Processes, and Techniques. pp. 85-102, Chapter 6, Psychology Press, New York, ISBN 1841694371. pdf
- Payan Y. (2005). Biomechanics applied to computer-assisted surgery: an overview. In Y. Payan editor, Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery. Research Signpost Publisher, ISBN 81-308-0031-4.
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2005). Automatic finite elements mesh generation from planar contours of the brain: an image driven 'blobby' approach. In Y. Payan editor, Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery. Research Signpost Publisher, ISBN 81-308-0031-4, pp. 209-224. pdf
- Payan Y., Luboz V., Chabanas M., Swider P., Marecaux C. & Boutault F. (2005). Biomechanics applied to computer-aided diagnosis: examples of orbital and maxillofacial surgeries. In Y. Payan editor, Biomechanics Applied to Computer Assisted Surgery. Research Signpost Publisher, ISBN 81-308-0031-4, pp. 299-310. pdf.
- Perrier, P., Payan Y. & Marret, R. (2004). Mod liser le physique pour comprendre le contr le : le cas de l'anticipation en production de parole. In R. Sock & B. Vaxelaire (Eds.), L'Anticipation l'horizon du pr sent. pp. 159-177. Pierre Margala Editeur, Sprimont, Belgique. pdf
- Troccaz J, Luboz V., Chabanas M., Fleute M., Payan Y. & Desbat L. (2002). Mod lisation et chirurgie assist e par ordinateur. In Chirurgie orthop dique assist e par ordinateur, Cahiers d'enseignement de la SOFCOT, Elsevier editor, Paris. pp. 192-208. ISBN 2-84299-404-3. pdf
6. Invited Speaker
- Payan Y. (2024). Challenges and Bottlenecks for a Clinical Use of the Biomechanical Digital Twins. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XIX Workshop, 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI2024, October 2024, Marrakech.
- Payan Y. (2022). Soft tissue biomechanics for pressure ulcer prevention: what challenges for Artificial Intelligence? 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2022, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2022. pdf
- Payan Y. (2022). Soft tissue biomechanics for computer-assisted medical interventions. S minaire mensuel du LabEx NUMEV (Montpellier), October 2022.
- Payan Y. (2022). Pr vention des plaies de pression : comment la biom canique des tissus mous peut-elle assister les dispositifs m dicaux? Journ es annuelles de l'Institut Th matique Multi-Organismes ITMO Technologies pour la Sant (Alliance nationale pour les sciences de la vie et de la sant ), November 2022.
- Payan Y. & Molle A. (2022). Animation de la Table Ronde e-sant : Mod les num riques multi- chelles (jumeaux num riques) pour le diagnostic, le pronostic ou le traitement d'une pathologie. Journ e collaborative de Lyon Biop le, November 2022, Grenoble.
- Payan Y. (2021). Setting the scene for Biomechanics. DRIVEN Online Training Workshop (SOFA Week), November 2021.
- Payan Y. (2019). Principles of biomechanical modelling of the oral cavity. 7th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO'2019), Roma (Italy), September 2019.
- Payan Y. & Perrier A. (2018). Simulation num rique dans le domaine de la biom canique des tissus mous : enjeux et sp cificit s. Exemple d'application la pr vention des ulc res du pied diab tique. Forum PPRIME CHU de Poitiers From patient to model, From model to decision , Poitiers, June 2018. pdf
- Payan Y. (2018). Technological innovations and biomechanics: Development and optimization in pressure ulcer prevention. 20th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2018, Roma (Italy), September 2018. pdf
- Payan Y. (2018). Real-Time Computer Modeling in Prevention of Chronic Wounds. Congress on Advanced Treatments and Technologies in Wound Care - ATTWC2018, London (UK), October 2018. pdf
- Payan Y. (2017). Subject-specific modeling for real-time pressure ulcer prevention in sitting posture. 19th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2017, Belfast (Northern Ireland), September 2017.
- Payan Y. (2017). Biomechanics for computer-assisted medical interventions. University of Tehran, Mechanical Engineering Department, March 2017. pdf
- Payan Y. (2017). Pressions d'interface et mod lisation des tissus mous pour pr venir les plaies de pressions. 13 mes Journ es Nationales de l'Escarre (PERSE 2017), Montpellier, Novembre 2017.
- Payan Y. (2017). Biomechanical concepts for threads anchoring. AMWC 2017 - 15th Aesthetic & Anti-aging Medicine World Congress, Monaco, April 2017.
- Payan Y. (2016). Biomechanics for computer-assisted medical interventions: example of pressure ulcers prevention. Residential Workshop on Computational Sciences for Medical Simulation: Surgical Training and Guidance, University of Luxembourg, December 2016. pdf
- Payan Y. (2016). Biomechanics for computer-assisted medical interventions. BME Paris Seminar - Open your mind, Universit Paris Descartes, ParisTech, June 2016. pdf
- Payan Y. (2016). La simulation num rique dans le domaine de la biom canique : enjeux et sp cificit s. Conf rence NAFEMS'2016, Paris, June 2016.
- Payan Y. (2016). Exemple de mod lisation biom canique pour la chirurgie maxillo-faciale assist e : de la caract risation in vivo l'impl mentation dans des codes de calculs l ments finis. Colloque MECAMAT 2016 - M canique pour le vivant. Identification et mod lisation du comportement des tissus biologiques : avanc es et perspectives, Aussois (France), January 2016. pdf
- Payan Y. (2015). Biomechanical Modeling of Soft Tissues for Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions. UBC French Scholar Series 2015, Peter Wall Institute and French Consulate, Vancouver (Canada), July 2015.
- Payan Y. (2015). Biomechanical modeling to prevent ischial and foot pressure ulcers. 18th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2015, Ghent (Belgium), September 2015.
- Payan Y. (2015). Imagerie et biom canique pour la pr vention des plaies de pression. Colloque Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Sant (RITS'2015, SFGBM), Dourdan, March 2015.
- Payan Y. (2013). Biomechanics for computer-assisted surgery. H pital Sainte Justine, Montr al (Canada), June 2013.
- Payan Y., Chenu O., Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Diot B. & Cannard F. (2012). An embedded device for health monitoring and pressure sores prevention based on an innovative textile able to measure pressures. National Pressure Ulcer Conference, ABC-Decubitus, November 2012, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
- Payan Y. (2012). Why most of the intra-operative medical robotic devices do not use biomechanical models? Some clues to explain the bottlenecks and the needed research breakthroughs. Computational Biomechanics for Medicine VII, MICCAI 2012 Workshop, October 2012, Nice. pdf
- Payan Y. (2012). Biomechanics for Computer Assisted Surgery. Conf rence invit e lors de la remise du Prix 2012 du Chercheur Confirm en Biom canique, 37e congr s de la soci t de biom canique, Octobre 2012, Toulouse, France.
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Hlavackova P., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2012). Integrating pressure sensors in fabrics for pressure ulcer prevention. 1st EPUAP Focus Meeting on Technological Innovations in Pressure Ulcer Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment, April 16th-17th 2012, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Hlavackova P., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2012). The VigiSore project: a user-centered pressure sores prevention device. Workshop JADE Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent living of Elderly , Grenoble, March 6th-9th, 2012. Video
- Vuillerme N., Hlavackova P., Franco C., Diot B., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2011). Can an electro-tactile vestibular substitution system improve balance in patients with unilateral vestibular loss under altered somatosensory conditions from the foot and ankle? 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'11) Integrating technology and medicine for a healthier tomorrow - Invited Session : Restoring or Augmenting Impaired Sensory Function for Posture and Gait , Boston (USA), August 30 - September 3, 2011.
- Hlavackov P., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2011). VIGI-SORE. 24 mes Entretiens annuels de la Fondation Garches Handicap et Douleur , organis s en collaboration avec l Institut F d ratif de Recherche sur le Handicap (IFR25 - IFRH), Paris (France), 24-25 novembre 2011.
- Perrier, P., Payan Y. & Nazari, M. (2011). Biomechanical models of speech articulators to study speech motor control, 6th International Conference on Speech Motor Control. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Cannard F. & Bensmail D. (2011). Quand une nappe, une montre et un iPhone permettent d viter les escarres. Carrefour de la T l sant 2011 Journ e scientifique sur les innovations technologiques en t l sant , organis par le r seau de comp tences en t l sant CATEL et le GdR STIC-Sant (CNRS/Inserm), Paris, 20 octobre 2011.
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Diot B., Cannard F., Hlavackova P, Demongeot J., & Vuillerme N. (2010). Biofeedback systems for preventing pressure ulcers. 13th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), Birmingham (United Kingdom), September 1-3, 2010.
- Vuillerme N., Chenu, O., Pinsault, N., Payan Y., & Demongeot, J. (2009). Exploiting the model of perceptual supplementation to study human multisensory integration and brain plasticity and to develop assistive biomedical devices for disabled persons. Congr s "Interface Cerveau/Machine", organis par la Fondation pour la Recherche M dicale (FRM) en association avec l Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moelle pini re et l Enc phale (IRME) et l Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epini re (ICM), Paris (France), 4-5 novembre 2009.
- Chenu O., R. Cuisinier, N. Pinsault, J. Demongeot, Y. Payan & N. Vuillerme (2009). Effects of visual, audio and tongue tactile sensory substitution systems for the control of buttock pressures in seated posture. Journ e GdR STIC-Sant sur le th me "pr vention des escarres", Lyon, 6 juillet 2009.
- Vuillerme N., Chenu, O., Demongeot J., Payan Y., Cannard, F., & Diot, B. (2009). VIGI-SORE : Pr vention des escarres chez la personne g e domicile. TelemedMeeting 2009- 3 me Journ e Transfrontali re de T l m decine franco-suisse - "Le maintien domicile (MAD) et l hospitalisation domicile (HAD), de nouvelles formes de prise en charge d velopper", Archamps (France), 13 novembre 2009.
- Payan Y. (2007). Biomechanical Models: Applications for Computer-Assisted Surgery, Workshop Medical Imaging & Visualization, IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering, CLAIB2007.
- Payan Y. (2007). Mod lisation des tissus mous et chirurgie assist e par ordinateur. Journ e scientifique des GdR Stic-Sant et ISIS, "Segmentation de structures anatomiques avec int gration d apriori g om trique", ENST Paris, May 2007, France.
- Payan Y. (2006). Characterizing the elastic properties of the biological soft tissues in the context of Computer Assisted Surgery and Planning. 7th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Mini-Symposium on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Medicine and Surgery, Antibes, March 2006, France.
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagr e P.Y., Pelorson X. and Payan Y. (2006). Fluid-structure interaction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: validation of numerical simulations using in-vitro measurements. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Munich, Germany.
- Vuillerme N., Moreau-Gaudry A., Chenu O., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2006). Suppl ance perceptive par lectro-stimulation linguale: int r ts pour le handicap. 4 me Conf rence Nationale Handicap 2006 : Nouvelles technologies au service de l homme , IFRATH, IEEE France Section, Club EEA, Paris (France), Juin 2006.
- Payan Y. (2005). How to model face and tongue biomechanics for the study of speech production? Auditory-Visual Speech Processing Conference AVSP 2005, Vancouver, July 2005, British Columbia, Canada.
- Payan Y. (2004). Soft tissue modeling for Computer Aided Surgery: Applications to maxillo-facial surgery, exophtalmos and Sleep Apnea Syndrome. 6th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Medical Computing Mini-Symposium, Madrid, February 2004. virtual proceedings
- Payan Y. (2003). Soft Tissue modeling in the context of Computer-Assisted Surgery: Applications to maxillo-facial surgery, orbital pathology and sleep apnea syndrome. Franco-Chilean Workshop on Image Guided Surgery and Diagnosis, CMM, Santiago du Chili, Novembre 2003. virtual proceedings
- Payan Y. (2003). Chirurgie maxillo-faciale assist e par ordinateur : confrontation des simulations d'un mod le biom canique avec les donn es r elles anatomiques et rh ologiques. 10 mes journ es du Groupe de Travail Animation et Simulation, GTAS'03, Brest, June 2003.
- Payan Y. (2002). Soft tissues modeling for planning in maxillo-facial surgery. Robotics for obstetrics and digestive surgery. France -Singapore Workshop on Medical Imaging and Robotics, December 2002, Singapore. virtual proceedings
- Payan Y. (2002). Predictions of the functional and aesthetic consequences of maxillofacial surgery with a biomechanical model of the face. 2nd International Franco-Singapore Biomedical Engineering Symposium on Biomedical Imaging and Biomaterials, June 2002, Lyon.
- Payan Y. (2001). A 3D Finite Element Model of the face to predict aesthetic and functional consequences of Plastic and Maxillofacial surgery. Stanford Workshop on Surgical Simulation, SWSS, June 2001, Stanford University, California. virtual proceedings
- Payan Y. (2000). Collapsus pharyng : Mod lisation du couplage flux-paroi. Colloque sur l'actualit dans la prise en charge du ronflement et du syndrome d'apn e, H pital Am ricain de Paris, September 2000.
- Payan Y. (2000). Mod les biom caniques pour la simulation et la pr diction des gestes chirurgicaux : application la chirurgie plastique et maxillo-faciale. Proceedings of the "Premi res rencontres sur les avanc es et perspectives en mati re de gestes m dico-chirurgicaux assist s par ordinateur", Grenoble, September 2000.
- Payan Y. (1999). A simulator for plastic and maxillo-facial surgery. Proceedings of the 1st International Franco-Singapore Biomedical Engineering Symposium Biomedical Imaging and Biomaterials, December 1999, Singapore.
- Payan Y. (1999). Apport de la mod lisation ost o-articulaire et musculaire en clinique : quelques exemples de Gestes M dico-Chirurgicaux Assist s par Ordinateur - R le de l'outils de " mod lisation ". Journ es G.R.E.C.O., Ecole Nationale des Arts et M tiers, November 1999, Paris.
- Payan Y. (1999). Chirurgie maxillo-faciale assist e par ordinateur : outil de simulation pour l'aide au diagnostic pr -op ratoire et mod lisation des tissus mous de la face. Journ es de l'Action Incitative Simulation de Chirurgie (AISIM), September 1999, INRIA Sophia Antipolis.
7. International Conference Proceedings
- Payan Y. (2024). Biomechanical Digital Twins: Challenges and Bottlenecks. In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2024), Perpective Talk, July 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
- Vialet A., Calka M., Alvarez P., El Mouss M., Belme A., Berillon G., Brige P., Payan Y. & Perrier P. (2024). Reconstructing the tongue in the oral cavity. The first step towards application to fossils. In Proceedings of the 14th European Society of Human Evolution (ESHE 2024), pp. 184, Zagreb. pdf
- Picard M.C., Nazari M., Perrier P., Bettega G., Lartizien R., Rochette M. & Payan Y. (2024). Automatic orthognathic surgery process: from mesh generation to Finite Element simulation of bone cuts. In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2024), July 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
- Calka M., Alvarez P., Perrier P., Payan Y. & Vialet A. (2024). Biomechanical Tongue Model of a Neanderthal. In Abstracts Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024), pp. 95-96, May 2024, Autrans. pdf
- Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2024). In vivo succion measurements of Young's moduli: application to human abdominal skin and fat. In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2024), July 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
- Pissonnier M.L., Perrier A., Tonetti J., Garreau de Loubresse C., Carlier R. & Payan Y. (2024). Conception and evaluation of a musculoskeletal Finite Element model of the thoraco lumbar spine. In Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2024), July 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf
- Calka M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2024). Human Tongue Finite Element Model Validation with 3D MRI of subject specific phonemes articulations. In Abstracts Proceedings of the 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP 2024), pp. 175-176, May 2024, Autrans. pdf
- Fougeron N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Auguste S., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2023). Finite Element study of strains around sacral and heel pressure ulcers with a new bi-layer dressing. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2023), May 2023, Paris. pdf
- Deshairs G., Rohan P.Y., Payan Y. & Connesson N. (2023). Development of an MRI-compatible indentation system to characterize the mechanical response of sacral soft tissues for pressure ulcer prevention. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2023, Leeds (UK), September 2023. pdf
- Picard M.C., Perrier P., Nazari M. & Payan Y. (2023). Model-based simulations of the insertion of tensor threads in patient-specific face: a proof of concept. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2023), May 2023, Paris. pdf
- Fougeron N., Chagnon G., Connesson N., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Auguste S., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2023). Reduction of strain clusters in injured heel Finite Element models with a new pressure ulcer dressing. In Proceedings of the 28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2023), July 2023, Maastricht, the Netherlands. pdf
- Connesson N., Payan Y., Briot N. & Barraud P.A. (2023). In vivo bi-layer material Young muduli identification under small deformation using only suction. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2023), May 2023, Paris. pdf
- Fougeron N., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Pasquinet L., Bahuon M., Guilin E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). Internal strains reduction in soft tissues surrounding a pressure ulcer using a new bi-layer dressing. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2022, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2022. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. & Dumas R. (2022). Knee model (in)consistency between inverse and forward dynamics musculoskeletal simulations. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB'2022), July 2022, Taipei, Taiwan. pdf
- Nazari M.A., Perrier P., Jeannin C., Veyre S., Masri C. & Payan Y. (2022). Ex-vivo human tongue muscle mechanical characterization. In Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB'2022), June 2022, Porto, Portugal. pdf
- Trebbi A., Keenan B., Bailet M., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). Human heel internal tissue displacements and strains calculated from Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2022, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2022. pdf
- Briot N., Connesson N., Chagnon G. & Payan Y. (2022). In vivo breast stiffness measured by aspiration assuming a bi-layer material. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB'2022), July 2022, Taipei, Taiwan. pdf
- Mukhina E., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2022). Contribution of the out-of-plane component in the assessment
of sacral soft tissue deformations under compressive loading - Preliminary study on one subject. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2022, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2022. pdf
- Trebbi A., Bailet M., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2022). Tissue internal strains computed by a Finite Element model of the human heel and measured from MR images. In Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB'2022), June 2022, Porto, Portugal. pdf
- Alvarez P. & Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2022). Modeling change of patient position during thoracoscopic surgery. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB'2022), July 2022, Taipei, Taiwan. pdf
- Trebbi A., Perrier A., Bailet M. & Payan Y. (2022). Development of a finite element model for the heterogeneous
structure of the calcaneal fat pad to study its loading distribution. Insights for stress-related injuries. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, EPUAP'2022, Prague (Czech Republic), September 2022. pdf
- Yousefi S.M., Nazari M.A., Yusefi M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2022). Ex-vivo mechanical characterization of the mucous in bovine tongue tissue. In Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB'2022), July 2022, Taipei, Taiwan. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2021). The effect of soft tissue modeling on tibiofemoral stress distribution in models of high tibial osteotomy and its importance for making simulation-based clinical decisions. In Proceedings of the XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), July 2021. pdf
- El Mouss M., Belme A. & Payan Y., Perrier P., Vialet A. (2021). Biomechanical tongue model prediction of fossil hominins: evaluation and uncertainties propagation. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled 2021), June. 2021. pdf
- Trebbi A., Perrier A., Bailet M. & Payan Y. (2021). Strain Calculation from MR Image Registration: An Application for Foot Pressure Ulcer Prevention. Proceedings of the EPUAP Virtual Meeting 2021 (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), Oct. 2021. pdf
- Vialet A, Grimaud-Herv D., El Mouss M., Payan Y., Perrier P., Bo L.J., Belme A., Goussard F., Attia R., Gommery D., Abourachid A., Marin F., Brabant B., Hecht F., Meguerditchian A., & Cornelis F. (2021). Preliminary result of the "Origins of Speech" project. In Proceedings of the XIXth World Congress of the International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP'2021), Meknes, Sept. 2021. pdf
- Mukhina E., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2021). In vivo experimental characterization of the biomechanical response of sacral soft tissues under compression using both B-mode Ultrasound and MRI: preliminary assessment on 2 healthy volonteers. Proceedings of the EPUAP Virtual Meeting 2021 (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), Oct. 2021. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A., Bailet M. & Payan Y. (2021). Techniques to reduce the computational cost of Finite Element models of the lower limb muscles. In Proceedings of the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics (WCCM)- ECCOMAS Virtual Congress 2021, F. Chinesta, R. Abgrall, O. Allix and M. Kaliske Editors, pdf
- Trebbi A., Perrier A., Bailet M. & Payan Y. (2020). Development of a finite element model for the heterogeneous structure of the calcaneal foot pad to study its loading distribution. Insights for stress-related injuries. Proceedings of the EPUAP Virtual Meeting 2020 (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), Sept. 2020. pdf
- Mukhina E., Rohan P.Y., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2020). Feasibility of using 2D ultrasound data for building a personalized numerical model of the sacral region for the evaluation of the subject-specific risk of sacral pressure ulcer. Proceedings of the EPUAP Virtual Meeting 2020 (European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel), Sept. 2020. pdf
- Caggiari S., Worsley P., Payan Y., Bucki M. & Bader D. (2019). Prediction of individual positioning in a range of lying postures. Proceedings of the Medical Physics and Engineering Conference (MPEC'2019), Bristol (UK), Sept. 2019. pdf
- Elyasi E., Perrier A. & Payan Y. (2019). Biomechanical Modelling of Knee Joint for Assisting High Tibial Osteotomy. Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB'2019), Jul. 2019, Calgary, Canada. pdf
- Caggiari S., Worsley P., Payan Y., Bucki M. & Bader D. (2019). A novel approach to identify individual positioning in a range of supine postures. Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2019), Lyon (France), Sept. 2019. pdf
- Kappert K., Boonstra S., Balm F., Connesson N., Van Alphen M. & Payan Y. (2019). In-vivo measurements of human tongue elasticity under general anesthesia using a volume based aspiration method. Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2019) and the 4th Conference on Imaging and Visualization, Aug. 2019, New-York, USA. pdf
- Alvarez P., Rouz S., Chabanas M., Payan Y. & Dillenseger J.L., (2019). Image-based registration for lung nodule localization during VATS. Proceedings of Surgetica 2019, June 2019, Rennes, France. pdf
- Mira A., Babarenda Gamage T.P, Doyle A.J., Payan Y., Nielsen P.M.F & Nash M.P (2019). Biomechanical Model Evaluation using Non-Rigid Image Registration Applied to Breast MRI. Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2019), pp. 473, Jul. 2019, Vienna, Austria. pdf
- Alvarez P., Narasimhan S., Rouz S., Dillenseger J.L., Payan Y., Miga M. & Chabanas M. (2019). Biphasic Model of Lung Deformations for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS). Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019), Apr 2019, Venice, Italy. pdf
- Elahi A., Connesson N. & Payan Y. (2018). A volume-based aspiration method to estimate in-vivo soft tissues sti
ness: evaluation of the device
with silicone samples. Proceedings of the 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, EMMC16. pdf
- Mira A., Payan Y., Carton A.K., Milioni de Carvalho P., Li Z., Devauges V. & Muller S. (2018). Simulation of breast compression using a new biomechanical model. Proceedings of SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2018, In: Medical Imaging 2018: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 10573. International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 105735A-1 - 105735A-9. pdf
- Alvarez P., Chabanas M., Rouz S., Castro M., Payan Y. & Dillenseger J.L. (2018). Lung deformation between preoperative CT and intraoperative CBCT for Thoracoscopic Surgery: a case study. Proceedings of SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2018, In: Medical Imaging 2018: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 10576. International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 105761D-1 - 105761D-7. pdf
- Niroomandi S., Perrier A., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2018). A patient-specific 3D musculo-skeletal finite element model of ankle arthrodesis. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization, CMBBE 2018, Lisbon (Portugal). pdf
- Morin F., Courtecuisse H., Reinertsen I., Le Lann F., Palombi O., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2018). Resection-induced brain-shift compensation using vessel-based methods. Proceedings of SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2018, In: Medical Imaging 2018: Physics of Medical Imaging, Vol. 10576. International Society for Optics and Photonics, pp. 105760Q-1 - 105760Q-6. pdf
- Luboz V., Baillet M., Boichon Grivot C., Rochette M., Diot B., Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2017). Subject-specific modeling for real-time pressure ulcer prevention in sitting posture. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2017), Belfast (Ireland). pdf
- Morin F., Courtecuisse H., Reinertsen I., Le Lann F., Palombi O., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2017). Intraoperative brain-shift compensation using MR/US elastic registration by means of a constraint-based biomechanical simulation. Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 595: Biomechanics and computer assisted surgery meets medical reality, 29-31 August 2017. pdf
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2017). Musculoskeletal finite element model of the foot. Loading and direct dynamic validation. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2017), Belfast (Ireland). pdf
- Alvarez P., Rouz S., Chabanas M., Castro M., Payan Y. & Dillenseger J.L. (2017). Modeling lung de
ation during video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery for the localization of small nodules. Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 595: Biomechanics and computer assisted surgery meets medical reality, 29-31 August 2017. pdf
- Payan Y. (2016). Soft tissue biomechanical modeling for computer assisted surgery: challenges and perspectives. Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2016), Perspectives talk, Lyon, France. pdf
- Mira A., Carton A.K., Muller S. & Payan Y. (2016). Breast biomechanical modeling for compression optimization in digital breast tomosynthesis. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2016, pp. 158, Tel Aviv, Israel. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Cannard F., Champion E., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2016) Patient-specific regionalization for foot pressure ulcer prevention. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies, WUWHS'2016, Florence (Italy). pdf
- Antherieu G., Connesson N., Mozer P., Payan Y. & Favier D. (2016). Uniform or localized pure bending deformation of superelastic NiTi thin wires. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, ICTAM'2016, Montreal (Canada). pdf
- Hermant N., Nazari M.A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2016). An improved 3D dynamical finite element model of tongue muscles. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Biomechanical and Parametric Modeling of Human Anatomy, pp. 36, Vancouver, Canada. pdf
- Bucki M., Luboz V., Perrier A., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2016). Patient-specific model generation for foot pressure ulcer prevention. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2016, pp. 32, Tel Aviv, Israel. pdf
- Askari M.A., Nazari M.A., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2016). Residual stress assessment in human facial tissue due to isotropic gradual growth. Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2016), Lyon, France. pdf
- Morin F., Reinertsen I., Courtecuisse H., Palombi O., Munkvold B., Bo H.K., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2016). Vessel-based brain-shift compensation using elastic registration driven by a patient-specific finite element model. International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), June 2016, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Cannard F., Champion E., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2016) "Strain clusters" analysis to characterize the risk of pressure ulcer: application to heel ulcers. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies, WUWHS'2016, Florence (Italy). pdf
- Mira A., Carton A.K., Muller S. & Payan Y. (2016). Breast biomechanical modeling for compression optimization in digital breast tomosynthesis. Proceedings of the 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2016), Lyon, France. pdf
- Barbier G., Perrier P., M nard L., Payan Y., Tiede M. & Perkell J. (2015). Speech planning in 4-year-old children versus adults: Acoustic and articulatory analyses. Proceedings of the InterSpeech 2015 Conference, Dresden, Germany. pdf
- Semere A., Payan Y., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. (2015). Using sensory substitution of median sensory deficits in the traumatized hand to develop an innovative home-based hand rehabilitation system. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics (ICOST'2015, Genova), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9102, pp. 53-63. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19312-0_5 pdf
- Barbier G., Perrier P., M nard L., Payan Y., Tiede M. & Perkell J. (2015). Acquisition of serial order in speech production: An ultrasound study of typical 4-year-old Canadian French children. Proceedings of the Progress in Motor Control 2015 Conference, Budapest, Hungary. (Best Student poster award)
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Does the calcaneus morphology have an influence on the risk of posterior heel ulcer? Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2014), Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 26. pdf
- Antherieu G., Payan Y., Favier D., Connesson N. & Mozer P. (2014). An innovative NiTi based stent as an emergency treatment for acute urinary retention in case of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Proceedings of Surgetica 2014, Chamb ry (France). pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Influence of the calcaneus morphology on the risk of posterior heel ulcer creation. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2014, Amsterdam. pdf
- Rohan P-Y., Bijar A., Bettega G., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2014). Predicting the consequences of tongue cancer surgery: design of a 3D patient-specific biomechanical model and evaluation. Proceedings of Surgetica 2014, pp. 111-114. pdf
- Perrier A., Vuillerme N., Luboz V., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Havan G. & Payan Y. (2014). Biomechanical simulation of the Charcot neuroarthropathic foot with plantar ulcer. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2014), Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 39. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2014). Biomechanical modeling to prevent soft tissues pressure ulcers. Proceedings of Surgetica 2014, Chamb ry (France). pdf
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2014). Evaluation of a musculoskeletal finite element model of the foot. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2014, Amsterdam. pdf
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Moreau-Gaudry A., Diot B., Cannard F. & Vuillerme N. (2014). Buttock pressure management of able-bodied people seated on a rigid surface for two hours. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2014), Stockholm (Sweden), pp. 25. pdf
- Antherieu G., Connesson N., Favier D., Payan Y. & Mozer P. (2014). Mechanical characterization of NiTi wires under pure bending. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Cambridge, UK, July 2014. pdf
- Rohan P-Y., Nazari M., Lobos C., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2014). Implementation of an a posteriori error indicator for non-linear problems in soft-tissue biomechanics. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2014, Amsterdam. pdf
- Luboz V., Promayon E. & Payan Y. (2014). Measurements of the linear elastic properties of the face soft tissues using an aspiration device. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2014, Amsterdam. pdf
- Barbier G., Perrier P., M nard L., Payan Y., Tiede M. & Perkell J. (2013). Speech planning as an index of speech motor control maturity. Proceedings of the InterSpeech 2013 Conference, pp. 1278-1282. pdf
- Bucki M., Payan Y., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. (2013). Multi-Modal Framework for Subject-Specific Finite Element Modeling of the Buttocks. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2013), Vienna (Austria), pp. 77. pdf
- Chekhchoukh A., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Glade N. (2013). Effect of Saccades in Tongue Electrotactile Stimulation for Vision Substitution Applications. Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'13), Osaka (Japan). pdf
- Barbier G., Perrier P., M nard L., Payan Y., Tiede M. & Perkell J. (2013). Speech motor control maturity in 4-year-old Canadian French children assessed by measuring speech planning and token-to-token variability. Proceedings of the 6th Ultrafest International Conference on Ultrasound Imaging in Speech Production, Edinburgh, Nov. 2013.
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2013). Finite Element Modeling of Soft Tissues for Pressure Ulcers Prevention. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2013, pp. 317-318, Salt Lake City, USA. pdf
- Promayon E., Fouard C., Bailet M., Deram A., Fiard G., Hungr N., Luboz V., Payan Y., Sarrazin J., Saubat N., Yuki Selmi S., Voros S., Cinquin P. and Troccaz J. (2013). Using CamiTK for Rapid Prototyping of Interactive Computer
Assisted Medical Intervention Applications. Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'13), Osaka (Japan). pdf
- Tissot F., Favier D., Heller L., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Sittner P. Payan Y. & Rey T. (2013). FE Modeling of NiTi Elastomeric Composites for Use As Biomaterials. Proceedings of the Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, SMST'2013, Prague, Czech Republic. pdf
- Luboz V., Perrier A., Bucki M., Cannard F., Diot B., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2013). Biomechanical Modeling to Prevent Foot Ulcer. Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2013), Patras, Greece. pdf
- Nazari M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2013). A Muscle Model Based on Feldman s Lambda Model: 3D Finite Element Implementation. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, CMBBE 2013, pp. 457-458, Salt Lake City, USA. pdf
- Chekhchoukh A., Goumidi M., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. & Glade N. (2013). Electrotactile Vision Substitution for 3D Trajectory Following. Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS'13), Osaka (Japan). pdf
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F. & Payan Y. (2012). Real-time monitoring of the pressures at the seat-buttock interface. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2012), Cardiff (UK), September 2012, pp. 128. pdf
- Luboz V., Bucki M., Stavness I., Cannard F. & Payan Y. (2012). Biomechanical modeling of the foot to study and prevent the formation of ulcers. Proceedings of the 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2012), Journal of Biomechanics, 45(S1), pp. S192, Lisbon, July 2012. pdf
- Bucki M., Perrier A., Chenu O., Cannard F., Vuillerme N., Diot B., Becquet G. & Payan Y. (2012). Patient-Specific Finite Element Modeling of the Diabetic Foot. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP'2012), Cardiff (UK), September 2012, pp. 181. pdf
- Deram A., Payan Y. & Promayon E. (2012). Towards a Generic Framework for Evaluation and Comparison of Soft Tissue Modeling. Proceedings of the 19th Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference MMVR'2012, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 173, pp. 116-122. pdf
- Promayon E., Luboz V., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Favier D., Barthod C. & Payan Y. (2012). Comparison of LASTIC (Light Aspiration device for in vivo Soft TIssue Characterization) with classic tensile tests. Proceedings of the EUROMECH534 Colloquium "Advanced experimental approaches and inverse problems in tissue biomechanics", Saint Etienne, May 2012, pp. 75-76. pdf
- Tissot F., Rey T., Heller L., Connesson N., Chagnon G., Payan Y., Favier D. & Sittner P. (2012). Experiments and modeling of smart silicone elastomer membranes reinforced with shaped NiTi textiles. Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC'2012, Graz, Austria.
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Hlavackova P., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2011). System for pressure sore prevention: a user-centered design. 14th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), Oporto (Portugal), August 31st - September 2nd. pdf
- Nazari M.A., Perrier P., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2011). A 3D Muscle Element Based on Equilibrium Point Hypothesis (EPH) and its Application in a Biomechanical Face Model. Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, ISSP'2011, pp. 144-145. pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B., Becquet G. & Payan Y. (2011). The TexiSense Smart Sock - Textile Pressure Sensor and 3D Real-time Finite Element Model of the Diabetic Foot for a Daily Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. 14th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), Oporto (Portugal), August 31st - September 2nd. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Hlavackova P., Franco C., Diot B., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2011). Can an electro-tactile vestibular substitution system improve balance in patients with unilateral vestibular loss under altered somatosensory conditions from the foot and ankle? Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBS'2011, pp. 1323-1326. DOI : 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090311. pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2011). Finite Element Modelling of the human foot: a tool for the design and assessment of podiatry interventions. Proceedings of the First International Congress Scientific Testing of Orthotic Devices, STOD'2011, pp. 24. pdf
- Stavness I., Lloyd J., Payan Y. & Fels. S. (2011). Towards Speech Articulation Simulation with a Dynamic Coupled Face-Jaw-Tongue Model. Proceedings of the 9th International Seminar on Speech Production, ISSP'2011. pdf
- Nazari M.A., Perrier P., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2011). A 3D Finite Element Muscle Model and its Application in Driving Speech Articulators. Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, ISB'2011, Brussels, Belgium.. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Payan Y., Bucki M., Diot B. & Cannard F. (2011). TeXiSense: a portable device for real time, long-term and in-situ foot pressure monitoring. Proceedings of the First International Congress Scientific Testing of Orthotic Devices, STOD'2011, pp. 11. pdf
- Stavness I., Lloyd J., Fels S. & Payan Y. (2010). Dynamic Hard-Soft Tissue Models for Orofacial Biomechanics. ACM Trans. Graph. SIGGRAPH'2010. pdf VIDEOS
- Bluteau J., Dubois M.D., Coquillart S., Gentaz E. & Payan Y. (2010). Vibrotactile guidance for trajectory following in Computer Aided Surgery. Proceedings of the 32th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBC 2010, pp. 2085-2088. pdf
- Chenu, 0., Payan Y., Diot, B., Cannard, F., Hlavackova, P, Demongeot, J., & Vuillerme, N. (2010). Biofeedback systems for preventing pressure ulcers. 13th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), Birmingham (United Kingdom), pp. 118.
- Schiavone P., Promayon E. & Payan Y. (2010). LASTIC: a Light Aspiration device for in vivo
Soft TIssue Characterization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5958, pp. 1-10. pdf
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Hlavackova P., Diot B., Cannard F., Demongeot J., & Vuillerme N. (2010). Preventing pressure sores in elderly persons using an embedded biofeedback system: A proof-of-concept study. 7th World Conference of the International Society for Gerontechnology, Vancouver (Canada), May 27-30, 2010.
- Portnoy S., Vuillerme N., Payan Y. and Gefen A. (2010). A biomechanical model designed for real-time monitoring of internal mechanical loads in soft tissues of the seated buttocks based on pressure mat measurements. 13th Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), Birmingham (United Kingdom), pp. 86. pdf (Best posters Award)
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Hlavackova P., Diot B., Cannard F., Demongeot J., & Vuillerme N. (2010). Pr venir la formation d escarre chez la personne g e gr ce un syst me de suppl ance perceptive embarqu e: une preuve de concept. 9 me Congr s International Francophone de G riatrie et G rontologie - 30 mes Journ es Annuelles de la Soci t Fran aise de G riatrie et G rontologie, Nice-Acropolis (France), 19-21 octobre 2010.
- Chenu O., Demongeot J., Payan Y. and Vuillerme N. (2009). Could a multimodal sensory substitution system be used to prevent pressure sores during seated posture? Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the International Society for Posture & Gait Research, Bologna (Italie).
- Bluteau J., Gentaz E., Payan Y. & Coquillart S. (2009). Short paper : Role of force-cues in path following of 3D trajectories in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR EG, pp. 9-12. pdf
- Pinsault, N., Chenu, O., Hlavackov , P., Hallynck, V., Demongeot, J., Payan Y. and Vuillerme N. (2009). Electro-tactile tongue biofeedback improves balance in persons with unilateral lower limb amputation. Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the International Society for Posture & Gait Research, Bologna (Italie).
- Nazari M.A., Payan Y., Perrier P., Chabanas M. & Lobos C. (2008). A continuous biomechanical model of the face: a study of muscle coordinations for speech lip gestures. Proceedings of the eighth International Seminar on Speech Production, ISSP'08, pp. 321-324. pdf
- Chenu O., Cuisinier R., Pinsault N., Demongeot J., Payan Y. and Vuillerme N. (2008). Effects of visual, audio and tongue tactile sensory substitution systems for the control of buttock pressures in seated posture. Proceedings of the 5th International Posture Symposium "Translation of posture mechanisms for rehabilitation", pp. 22. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2008). To what extent does Tagged-MRI technique allow to infer tongue muscles' activation pattern? A modelling study. Proceedings of Interspeech 2008. pdf
- Pinsault, N., Chenu, O., Boisgontier, M., Payan, Y., Demongeot, J. and Vuillerme N. (2008). Improving weight bearing asymmetry in unilateral lower limb amputees by use of an insole pressure sensor-based electro-tactile biofeedback system. Proceedings of the 5th International Posture Symposium "Translation of posture mechanisms for rehabilitation", pp. 69. pdf
- Jeannin C., Perrier P., Payan Y., Grosgogeat B., Dittmar A. & G hin C. (2008). PRESLA: An original device to measure the mechanical interaction between tongue and teeth or palate during speech production. Proceedings of the eighth International Seminar on Speech Production, ISSP'08, pp. 49-52. pdf
- Schiavone P., Boudou T., Promayon E., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2008). A light sterilizable pipette device for the in vivo estimation of human soft tissues constitutive laws. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBS 2008, pp. 4298-4301. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Fleury A., Payan Y. and Demongeot J. (2008). The effect of a plantar pressure-based, tongue-placed tactile biofeedback system on the regulation of the centre of foot pressure displacements during upright quiet standing: a fractional Brownian motion analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complex Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 162-168. pdf
- Brix M., Buchaillard S., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2008). Towards a three-dimensional software model of the oral cavity for tongue surgery planning. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Digital Technology in Head & Neck Reconstruction. pdf
- Bluteau J., Gentaz E., Coquillart S. & Payan Y. (2008). Haptic guidances increase the visuomanual tracking of Japanese and Arabic letters. Proceedings of the 9th International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), pp. 146.
- Robineau F., Vuillerme N., Orliaguet J-P. & Payan Y. (2007). Tongue Liminary Threshold Identification to Electrotactile Stimulation. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Enactive'07, pp. 233-236. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Brix M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2007). Use of a biomechanical tongue model to predict the impact of tongue surgery on speech production. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA'2007, pp. 79-82. pdf
- Lobos C., Bucki M., Hitschfeld N. and Payan Y. (2007). Mixed-element mesh for an intra-operative modeling of the brain tumor extraction. Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, IMR'2007, Eds. M. Bewer and D. Marcum, Springer, pp. 387-404. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Pinsault N., Moreau-Gaudry A., Fleury A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Pressure sensor-based tongue-placed electrotactile biofeedback for balance improvement - Biomedical application to prevent pressure sores formation and falls. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBS'2007, pp. 6113-6116. pdf
- Groleau J., Chabanas M., Marecaux C., Payrard N., Segaud B., Rochette M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2007). A biomechanical model of the face including muscles for the prediction of deformations during speech production. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA'2007, pp. 173-176. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Brix M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2007). Modeling the consequences of tongue surgery on tongue mobility. Proceedings of the Third International Conference Surgetica'2007: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 261-263. pdf
- Lobos C., Bucki M., Payan Y. & Hitschfeld N. (2007). Techniques on mesh generation for the brain shift simulation. Proceedings of the IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering, CLAIB2007, IFMBE Proceedings 18, pp. 642 645. pdf
- Moreau-Gaudry A, Prince A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2007). To Prevent Pressure Ulcer Formation in Paraplegics using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue: First Steps in a Sustainability Study. 12th International Medical (Health) Informatics Congress, MedInfo'2007, CD-Rom Congress proceedings Papers & Posters, ISBN 978-1-58603-774-1.
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault A., Chenu O., Moreau-Gaudry A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Tongue-placed electrotactile biofeedback for balance improvement to prevent pressure sores and falls. 12th International ACAPS Conference.
- Bucki M., Lobos C. and Payan Y. (2007). Framework for a low-cost intra-operative image-guided neuronavigator including brain shift compensation. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBS'2007, pp. 872-875. pdf
- Marecaux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2007). Computer aided planning and navigation for orbito-zygomatic reconstruction. Proceedings of the Third International Conference Surgetica'2007: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 271-281. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Moreau-Gaudry A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Artificial Tongue-Placed Tactile Biofeedback for perceptual supplementation: application to human disability and biomedical engineering. IEEE Human Machine iNteraction Conference Human'07, pp. 105-112. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2006). A 3D biomechanical vocal tract model to study speech production control: How to take into account the gravity? Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 403-410. pdf
- Nesme M., Payan Y. & Faure F. (2006). Animating Shapes at Arbitrary Resolution with Non-Uniform Stiffness.
3rd Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation, VRIPHYS'2006. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2006). Statistical 3D Cranio-Facial Models. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT'06), pp. 125. pdf
- Vogt F., Lloyd J., Buchaillard S., Perrier P., Chabanas M., Payan Y., & Fels S. (2006). An Efficient Biomechanical Tongue model for Speech Research. Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 51-58. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Fleury A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2006). Optimizing the Use of an Artificial Tongue-Placed Tactile Biofeedback for Improving Ankle Joint Position Sense in Humans. 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBS'2006, pp. 6029-6032. pdf
- Mozer P., Leroy A., Troccaz J., Payan Y., Richard F. & Chartier-Kastler E. (2006). Computer Assisted S3 nerve root neuromodulation by CT scan and echographic fusion. 21th annual meeting of the Engineering & Urology Society, Atlanta, May 2006. pdf (Best paper Award)
- Marchal M., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Mar caux C., Swider P., Boutault F., Promayon E. & Troccaz J. (2006). Comparison of different soft tissue modeling methods with post-operative CT scan in maxillofacial surgery. 7th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, Antibes, March 2006. pdf
- Leroy A., Mozer P., Conort P., Chartier-Kastler E., Richard F., Payan Y. & Troccaz J. (2006). 3D evaluation of kidney movement during respiration using 2.5D ultrasound. 21th annual meeting of the Engineering & Urology Society, Atlanta, May 2006. pdf
- Bucki M. & Payan Y. (2006). Framework and Bio-Mechanical Model for a Per-Operative Image-Guided Neuronavigator Including Brain-Shift Compensation. 2nd Workshop on Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Surgery, March 2006, Santiago de Chile. pdf
- Mozer P., Leroy A., Troccaz J., Payan Y., Conort P., Chartier-Kastler E. & Richard F. (2006). Computer Assisted Intrarenal Access by CT and Ultrasound Image Fusion. 21th annual meeting of the Engineering & Urology Society, Atlanta, May 2006. pdf
- Nesme M., Faure F. & Payan Y. (2006). Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Finite Element Model for Soft Body Simulation. 2nd Workshop on Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Surgery, March 2006, Santiago de Chile.
- Jeannin C., Perrier P., Payan Y., Dittmar A. & Grosgogeat B. (2005). A non-invasive device to measure mechanical interaction between tongue, palate and teeth during speech production. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA'2005, Oct. 2005. pdf
- Nesme M., Payan Y. & Faure F. (2005). Efficient, physically plausible finite elements. Proceedings of the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics Eurographics'2005, pp. 77-80. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2005). 3D statistical facial reconstruction. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis ISPA'2005, pp. 365-370. pdf
- Perrier P., Ma L. & Payan Y. (2005). Modeling the production of VCV sequences via the inversion of a biomechanical model of the tongue. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, InterSpeech'2005, pp. 1041-1044. pdf
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Maubleu S. & Payan Y. (2005). Computer Aided Planning For Zygomatic Trauma. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computer Aided Surgery around the Head, CAS-H'2005.
- Leloup T., Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2005). Multimodal registration of the face for computer-aided maxillofacial surgery. Proceedings of the Second International Conference Surgetica'2005: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 353-360. pdf
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2005). Statistical skull models from 3D X-ray images. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Reconstruction of Soft Facial Parts RSFP'2005. pdf
- Luboz V., Ambard D., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2005). A stiffness sensor to help in the diagnosis and the surgery of orbital pathologies. Proceedings of the Second International Conference Surgetica'2005: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 147-154. pdf
- Robineau F., Boy F., Orliaguet J-P., V zquez-BuenosAires J.O., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2005). Control of Surgical Gesture under Lingual Electro-Tactile Stimulation. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCI'2005. pdf
- Maubleu S., Marecaux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2005). Computer-aided planning for zygomatic bone reconstruction in maxillofacial traumatology. Proceedings of the Second International Conference Surgetica'2005: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 405-411. pdf
- Buchaillard S., Ong S.H., Payan Y. & Foong K.W.C. (2004). Reconstruction of 3D Tooth Images. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2004, 24-27 October 2004, Singapore, pp. 1077-1080. pdf
- Chabanas M., Mar caux C., Chouly F., Boutault F. & Payan Y. (2004). Evaluating soft tissue simulation in maxillofacial surgery using pre and post-operative CT scan. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS 2004, ICS, Vol. 1268, pp. 419-424. pdf
- Chouly F., Van Hirtum A., Lagree P.-Y., Pelorson X. & Payan Y. (2004). Reproduction of hypopnea phenomenon using a physical and numerical model. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering, ISBN: 0-9549670-0-3. pdf
- Gerard J.M., Payan Y., Perrier P., Wilhelms-Tricarico R. & Badin P. (2004). Speech production with 3D biomechanical tongue model. Proceedings of the Workshop dedicated to the memory of Farkas Kempelen, Budapest, March 2004.
- Zandipour M., Guenther F., Perkell J., Perrier P., Payan Y. & Badin P. (2004). Vowel-Vowel planning in acoustic and muscle space. Proceedings of the International Conference "From Sound to Sense: Fifty+ Years of Discoveries in Speech Communication", pp. C103-C108, MIT, Cambridge, June 2004. pdf
- Van Hirtum A., Chouly F., Teul A., Payan Y. & Pelorson X. (2003). In-vitro study of pharyngeal pressure losses at the origin of obstructive sleep apnea. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society, pp. 371-374. pdf
- Vazquez-BuenosAires J.O., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2003). An integrate Study of a Lingual Interface Into Computer Assisted Surgery Field. Proceedings of the Forth BioMEMS and Nanotech World 2003, Washington, August 2003.
- Perrier P., Dang J., Payan Y. & Ma L. (2003). Assessing target-based models for speech motor control: comparison of their predictions of coarticulatory effects and evaluation of Chinese and French data. In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Sydney, Australia, December 2003.
- Vazquez-BuenosAires J.O., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2003). Electro-stimulation of the tongue as a passive surgical guiding system. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2003, pp. 638-643. pdf
- B rar M., Bailly G., Chabanas M., Elisei F., Odisio M. & Payan Y. (2003). Towards a generic talking head. In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, pp. 7-12, Sydney, Australia, December 2003. pdf
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Sidjilani B-M., Paoli P. & Boutault F. (2003). Prediction of aesthetic outcome in orthognatic surgery. Proceedings of the XXX me Congr s de l Association Fran aise de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale (AFCMF), Bruxells, Belgium, March 2003.
- Van Hirtum A, Pelorson X, Payan Y. & Perrier P (2003). Simulation of vowel-plosive sequences using a physical model of the vocal tract. In Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar on Speech Production, Sydney, Australia, December 2003.
- Vazquez-BuenosAires J.O., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2003). Guiding surgical procedures from per-operative imaging using tongue stimulation. Proceedings of the Seventh World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2003, Vol VIII, pp. 78-81.
- Payan Y., Luboz V. & Chabanas M. (2002). Automatic Design of Finite Element Models: Applications to Patient Specific Biomechanical Structures. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering - ICBME'2002, pp. 88, December 2002, Singapore. pdf
- Vazquez-BuenosAires J.O., Payan Y. & Demongeot J. (2002). Evaluation of a lingual interface as a passive surgical guiding system. Proceedings of the First International Conference Surgetica'2002: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 232-237. pdf
- Segoufin C., Pichat C., Payan Y., Perrier P., Hirschberg A. & Pelorson X. (2002). In vitro study of the airflow in oral cavity during speech. Proceedings of the 3rd European Congress of Acoustic, Forum Acusticum 2002, Sevilla, Spain. pdf
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Boutault F. (2002). 3D cephalometric analysis for computer aided planning in orthognatic surgery Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the European Associations for Cranio-MaxilloFacial Surgery, EACMFS 2002, M nster, 2002.
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Luboz V., Pedrono A., Chouly F., Swider P., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2002). Maxillofacial computer aided surgery: a 5 years experience and future. Proceedings of the First International Conference Surgetica'2002: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 185-190. pdf
- Chabanas M., Mar caux C., Payan Y. & Boutault F. (2002). Computer aided planning for orthognatic surgery. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS 2002, Springer-Verlag, pp. 988-993. pdf
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Boutault F. (2002). Computer-Aided Orthognatic Surgery. Proceedings of the USCS'2002.
- Leroy A., Mozer P., Payan Y., Richard F., Chartier-Kastler E. & Troccaz J. (2002). Percutaneous renal puncture: requirements and preliminary results. Proceedings of the First International Conference Surgetica'2002: Computer-Aided Medical Interventions: tools and applications, Sauramps Medical Eds., pp. 303-309. pdf
- Luboz V., Pedrono A., Boutault F., Swider P. & Payan Y. (2002). Evaluation of the exophthalmia reduction with a finite element model. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, CARS 2002, Springer-Verlag, pp. 1123. pdf
- Payan Y., Perrier P., Vilain C. & Pelorson X. (2001). Finite Element models of the tongue and velum for a physical understanding of sleep apnea syndrome. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, BBE'2001, November, Roma. pdf
- Leroy A., Payan Y., Voirin D., L toublon C. & Troccaz J. (2001). Finite Element model of the liver for computer-assisted hepatic tumor ablation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, BBE'2001, November, Roma. pdf
- Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2001). Finite Element Face Model Conformed to Patient Morphology, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Deformable Modeling and Soft Tissue Simulation. Bonn, Germany, November 2001. pdf
- Luboz V., Payan Y. & Couteau B. (2001). Automatic 3D Finite Element mesh generation: an atlas fitted onto patient data. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, BBE'2001, November, Roma. pdf
- Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2001). Finite Element model of the face for computer-assisted maxillofacial surgery. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, BBE'2001, November, Roma. pdf
- Perkell J., Guenther F., Lane H., Matthies M., Payan Y., Perrier P., Vick J., Wilhelms-Tricarico R. & Zandipour M. (2001). The Sensorimotor Control of Speech Production. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 21-23, pp. 359-365. pdf
- Mooshammer C., Perrier P., Fuchs S., Geng C. & Payan Y. (2001). The Control of Token-to-Token Variability : an Experimental and Modeling Study. Speech Motor Control in Normal and Disordered Speech. Proceedings of the 4th International Speech Motor Conference, pp. 78-81. pdf
- Luboz V., Couteau B., Payan Y. (2001). 3D Finite element meshing of entire femora by using the mesh matching algorithm. In Proceedings of the Transactions of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, p. 522. Transactions Editor, B. Stephen Trippel, Chicago, Illinois, USA. pdf
- Chabanas M. & Payan Y. (2000). A 3D Finite Element model of the human face coupled with a simulator for plastic and maxillo-facial surgery. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering - ICBME'2000, pp. 520-521. pdf
- Perrier P., Perkell J.S., Payan Y., Zandipour M., Guenther F. & Khalighi A. (2000). Degrees of freedom of tongue movements in speech may be constrained by biomechanics. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP'2000, Vol. 2, pp. 162-165. pdf
- Bettega G., Payan Y., Mollard B., Boyer A., Chabanas M., Rapha l B. and Lavall e S. (2000). A simulator for maxillo-facial surgery. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Assisted Radiology, CAR 2000, June 2000.
- Payan Y., Couteau B. & Lavall e S. (2000). The Mesh-Matching algorithm : automatic generation of 3D meshes for patient-specific Finite Element models of the femoral head. 5th International Symposium on Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery - CAOS 2000. Davos, Switzerland, February 2000, pp. 39.
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Perkell J.S., Zandipour M., Pelorson X., Coisy V. & Matthies M. (2000). An attempt to simulate fluid-walls interactions during velar stops. Proceedings of the 5th International Speech Production Seminach, pp 149-152. pdf
- Payan Y., Collado R. & Chabanas M. (2000). A 3D biomechanical model of the human face. Proceedings of the 3rd Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics Conference. Queensland, Australia, January 2000. pdf
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (2000). Control of target-to-target movements in speech : the extent to which biomechanics can help the understanding of observed kinematics. Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Motor Control & Human Skill Research Workshop. Queensland, Australia, January 2000.
- Lavall e S., Bittar E., Hobatho M.C., Payan Y. & Couteau B. (1999). Elastic registration of 3D images and inferrence using octree-splines and image gradient features. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, WBIR'99, Pernus et al. Eds, Slovenia, pp. 61-76.
- Perrier P., L venbruck H. & Payan Y. (1999). Does articulatory dynamics make speech perception possible ? In Proceedings of the workshop on the dynamics of the production and perception of speech: an international satellite symposium of the 14th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, pp. 66-73, East Bay Institute for Research and Education, Inc., Martinez, California, 1999.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (1998). A 2D biomechanical model of the human tongue. Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, DSC. Vol. 64, pp. 593-596.
- Perrier P., Payan Y., Perkell J., Jolly F., Zandipour M. & Matthies M. (1998). On Loops and Articulatory Biomechanics. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (R. Mannell and J. Robert-Ribes, eds.), vol. 2, (Sydney, Australia), pp. 421-424, Australian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc., December 1998.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (1997). Why should speech control studies based on kinematics be considered with caution? Insights from a 2D biomechanical model of the tongue. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology EUROSPEECH' 97, Vol. 4, pp. 2019-2022, Rhodes, September 1997. pdf
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (a) (1996). Articulatory and acoustic simulations of VV transitions with a 2D biomechanical tongue model controlled by the Equilibrium-Point hypothesis. Proceedings of the 4th Speech Production Seminar, pp 121-124, Mai 1996.
- Payan Y., Perrier P. & Laboissi re R. (1995). Simulation of tongue shape variations in the sagittal plane based on a control by the Equilibrium-Point Hypothesis. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 2, pp 474-477, Stockholm, Sweden. pdf
- Perrier P., Apostol L. & Payan Y. (1995). Evaluation of a vowel normalisation procedure based on speech production knowledge. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Vol. 3, pp 1925-1928, Madrid, Spain.
- Laboissi re R., Sanguineti V. & Payan Y. (1995). On the biomechanical control variables of the tongue during speech movements. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Vol. 2, pp 1289-1292, Madrid, Spain. pdf
- Vall e N., Bo L.J. & Payan Y. (1995). Vowel prototypes for UPSID's 33 phonemes. Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Vol. 1, pp 424-427, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (a) (1993). Vowel normalization by articulatory normalization : first attempts for vowel transitions. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Vol. 1, pp 417-420, Berlin, Germany. pdf
8. National Conference Proceedings
- El Mouss M., Alvarez P., Perrier P., Payan Y., Bo L.J., Belme A., Goussard F., Lamberton F., Berillon G., Meguerditchian A., Grimaud-Herv D. & Vialet A. (2022). Using non-human primates to assess the vocal abilities of fossil hominins. Actes du 34 me colloque de la Soci t francophone de primatologie (SFDP) Dans la t te des primates, Universit Aix-Marseille, 5-7 octobre 2022,
- Vialet A., Bijar A., Payan Y., Perrier P., Grimaud-Herv D., Frey P. & Norgeot L. (2019). Mod lisation de la langue dans la cavit buccale. Application aux N andertaliens. Actes des 1844 mes journ es de la Soci t d Anthropologie de Paris, Paris, janvier 2019. pdf
- Perrier A., Luboz V., Bucki M., Cannard F., Vuillerme N. & Payan Y. (2015). Conception et valuation d'un mod le musculo-squelettique et l ments finis du pied. Actes des XIV congr s de la Soci t Francophone d'Analyse du Mouvement chez l'Enfant et l'Adulte (SOFAMEA 2015), Gen ve, f vrier 2015. pdf Best Student Paper
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Bucki M., Diot B., Cannard F. & Payan Y. (2013). TexiCare : un capteur textile pour la pr vention des escarres fessi res au quotidien. Actes des 11 mes Journ es Nationales de l'Escarre (PERSE 2013), Saint Malo, Octobre 2013.
- Barth I., Bensmail D., Hlavackova P., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2012). Repr sentations de l incidence de l escarre d origine neurologique sur les pratiques soignantes : premiers r sultats d une enqu te exploratoire men e au sein d un service de MPR. Actes du 27 me Congr s de la Soci t Fran aise de M decine Physique et de R adaptation (SOFMER 2012). pdf
- Luboz V., Promayon E., Chagnon G., Alonso T., Barthod C., Favier D. & Payan Y. (2012). Validation de LASTIC (Light Aspiration device for in vivo Soft TIssue Characterization) sur des lastom res. 2 me Journ e th matique sur la Caract risation M canique des Elastom res, Grenoble, Mai 2012. pdf
- Semere A., Vuillerme N., Corcella D., Forli A., Moutet F. & Payan Y. (2011). Suppl ance des d ficits sensitifs m dians de la main traumatis e : proposition d un nouveau dispositif. Actes du 56 me Congr s National de la Soci t Fran aise de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esth tique (SFCPRE), Paris, 21-23 novembre 2011.
- Chenu O., Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B., Colin D. & Payan Y. (2011). Pr vention de l Escarre chez le Bless M dullaire l Aide du Capteur de Pressions Textile TexiSense. Actes du 26 me Congr s de la Soci t Fran aise de M decine Physique et de R adaptation (SOFMER 2011), pp. 155. pdf
- Chekhchoukh A., Payan Y., Vuillerme N. & Glade N. (2011). Comment spatialiser l'information visuelle sur un dispositif d' lectro-stimulation linguale ? Actes du 31 me S minaire de la Soci t Francophone de Biologie Th orique R seaux de r gulation multi- chelle et Transduction de signaux biologiques , Autrans (France), 15-18 mai 2011.
- Hlavackova P., Chenu O., Payan Y., Diot B., Cannard F., Bucki M., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2011). Conception et valuation centr e utilisateur d une technologie innovante au service de l'autonomie et du handicap : VIGI-SORE - Dispositif embarqu de pr vention des escarres. Actes de la 2 me Conf rence Internationale Sur l'Accessibilit et les Syst mes de Suppl ance aux personnes en sITtuations de Handicap, ASSISTH'2011. pp. 457-465. pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B., Becquet G. & Payan Y. (2011). La Chaussette Intelligente TexiSense : un Dispositif pour la Pr vention au Quotidien des Ulc res Plantaires de la Personne Diab tique. Actes du 26 me Congr s de la Soci t Fran aise de M decine Physique et de R adaptation (SOFMER), pp. 256. pdf
- Bucki M., Vuillerme N., Cannard F., Diot B. & Payan Y. (2011). Mod le Biom canique par El ments Finis du Pied Diab tique pour la Pr vention en Temps R el de la Formation des Ulc res Plantaires. Actes de la 2 me Conf rence Internationale Sur l'Accessibilit et les Syst mes de Suppl ance aux personnes en sITtuations de Handicap, ASSISTH'2011. pp. 219-226. pdf
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Hlavackova, P., Diot, B., Cannard, F., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2010). Pr venir la formation d escarre chez la personne g e gr ce un syst me de suppl ance perceptive embarqu e: une preuve de concept. 9 me Congr s International Francophone de G riatrie et G rontologie - 30 mes Journ es Annuelles de la Soci t Fran aise de G riatrie et G rontologie, Nice-Acropolis (France), 19-21 octobre 2010.
- Hlavackova P., Chenu O., Diot B., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2010). Contribution des informations sensorielles au contr le de la posture bip dique chez une personne amput e partiellement des deux pieds : une tude de cas. 16 me Congr s de l Association Posture- quilibre, Grenoble (France), 3-4 d cembre 2010.
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Prototypage et valuation d un dispositif de pr vention des escarres. 1er Congr s de la Soci t Fran aise des Technologies pour l Autonomie et de G rontechnologie - 2 me Colloque PARAChute, Troyes (France), 18-20 novembre 2009.
- Pinsault N., Hallynck V., Chenu O., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Effets d une suppl ance perceptive tactilo-tactile sur le contr le de la posture bip dique des personnes amput es de membre inf rieur. Journ es de la Recherche M dicale, Grenoble, 24-25 avril 2009.
- Chenu O., Payan Y., Demongeot J. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Corriger sa posture assise l aide d un dispositif de suppl ance perceptive visuo-tactile. 16 me Congr s de l'Association Posture- quilibre, Lille (France), 13-14 novembre 2009.
- Chenu O., Cuisinier R., Pinsaut N., Demongeot J., Payan Y. & Vuillerme N. (2009). Quel biofeedback pour pr venir la formation d'escarre chez le parapl gique?. Journ es de la Recherche M dicale, Grenoble, 24-25 avril 2009.
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2008). Reconstruction faciale 3D partir d'images 3D. Actes du 16 me congr s francophone AFRIF-AFIA Reconnaissance des formes et Intelligence Artificielle, RFIA 2008,, Amiens. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Pinsault N., Chenu O., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Suppl ance perceptive par lectro-stimulation linguale pour la correction de l asym trie posturale chez la personne amput e du membre inf rieur. Actes du 14 me Congr s de l Association Posture- quilibre, Paris. (Prix APE du jeune chercheur)
- Buchaillard S., Brix M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2007). Utilisation d un mod le biom canique de la langue pour pr dire les cons quences de la chirurgie linguale sur la production de la parole. Actes des 2 mes Journ es de Phon tique Clinique.
- Chenu O., Vuillerme N., Moreau-Gaudry A., Fleury A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Suppl ance perceptive par lectro-stimulation linguale embarqu e : perspectives pour la pr vention des escarres chez le bless m dullaire. Actes de la 1 re Conf rence Internationale Sur l'accessibilit et les syst mes de suppl ance aux personnes en situations de handicap, ASSISTH'2007. pp. 65-69. pdf
- Vuillerme N., Chenu O., Pinsault N., Moreau-Gaudry A., Demongeot J. and Payan Y. (2007). Suppl ance perceptive par lectro-stimulation linguale : int r ts pour le handicap. Actes du 22 me Congr s de la Soci t Fran aise de M decine Physique et de R adaptation, Saint Malo.
- Moreau-Gaudry A, Prince A., Demongeot J. & Payan Y. (2006). Pr vention des escarres chez les parapl giques : une nouvelle approche par lectrostimulation linguale. Actes de la 4 me Conf rence Handicap 2006, pp. 216-220.
- Chouly F., Payan Y., Tiberge M. & Paoli J.R. (2005). Simulation de l'interaction entre air inspir et tissus pharyng s lors d'un pisode apn ique pour l'aide au planning en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Actes du XX me congr s de la Soci t Fran aise de Recherche sur le Sommeil, pp. 87.
- Berar M., Desvignes M., Romaniuk B., Bailly G. & Payan Y. (2005). Reconstruction par noyaux polynomiaux. Proceedings of the 20 me colloque GRETSI sur le traitement du signal et des images, pp 1137-1140, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgique, 6-9 Septembre 2005.
- Gerard J.M., Perrier P. & Payan Y. (2004). Mod lisation biom canique tri-dimensionnelle de l'articulateur lingual pour tudier le contr le de la parole. Actes des Journ es d'Etude sur la Parole 2004 & Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel 2004, pp. 237-240. F s, Maroc, Avril 2004. pdf
- Payan Y., Chabanas M. & Luboz V. (2002). M thodologie de mod lisation biom canique des tissus du vivant pour la planification de gestes chirurgicaux. Proceedings of the Conference on Modelling and Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery, MS4CMS'02, November 2002, Paris. pdf
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Boutault F. (2002). Chirurgie orthognatique assist e par ordinateur. Actes des XXIX me Congr s de l'AFCMF, June 2002.
- Mar caux C., Chabanas M., Payan Y., Boutault F. (2002). Mod lisation des tissus mous de la face pour la chirurgie maxillo-faciale. Soci t Fran aise de chirurgie plastique et maxillofaciale, November 2002.
- Payan Y., Chabanas M. & Luboz V. (2000). Mod les biom caniques pour la simulation et la pr diction des gestes chirurgicaux : application la chirurgie plastique et maxillo-faciale. Proceedings of the "Premi res rencontres sur les avanc es et perspectives en mati re de gestes m dico-chirurgicaux assist s par ordinateur", Grenoble, September 2000, pp 6-8.
- Voirin D., Amavizca M., Troccaz J., Payan Y., Vassal P., Sengel C., Teil E., Le-Bas J.F., Coulomb M. & Letoublon C. (2000). Chirurgie des tumeurs du foie assist e par ordinateur. Proceedings of the "Premi res rencontres sur les avanc es et perspectives en mati re de gestes m dico-chirurgicaux assist s par ordinateur", Grenoble, September 2000, pp 71.
- Payan Y. & Perrier P. (c) (1996). Contr le de la langue en parole : quelques propositions test es sur une mod lisation biom canique. Actes des XXI mes Journ es d' tude sur la Parole, pp 79-82.
- L venbruck H., Payan Y. & Perrier P. (1994). Invariance phon mique et variabilit acoustique. Interpr tation partir d'un mod le de production. Seminar GDR-PRC CHM Reconnaissance de la parole, Nancy, 10-11 Mars 1994.
- M loni H., Carr R., Perrier P., Candille L., Spriet T., Payan Y., L venbruck H., Caelen J. (1994). Les mod les de production et la reconnaissance de la parole : objectifs et difficult s. Seminar GDR-PRC CHM Reconnaissance de la parole, Nancy, 10-11 Mars 1994.
9. Thesis and Habilitation
- Payan Y. (1996). Mod le biom canique et contr le de la langue en parole. Th se de l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, Sp cialit Sciences Cognitives.
- Payan Y. (2002). Etude et mod lisation des tissus mous du vivant pour la planification et le guidage de gestes chirurgicaux. Habilitation Diriger les Recherches (HDR), Universit Joseph Fourier de Grenoble.
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