Nicolas Thierry-Mieg

Contact information

e-mail: Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr
office: B120, batiment Taillefer / IN3S, Hopital Nord (maps, google map)
snail-mail: Laboratoire TIMC / MAGe, Pavillon Taillefer, Faculte de Medecine, 38706 La Tronche cedex, France
phone: +33 456 520 067
fax:    +33 456 520 055
my picture


I am a CNRS researcher (Chargé de Recherches, section 21), member of the Models and Algorithms for Genomics (MAGe) laboratory in the TIMC Institute in Grenoble, France.

Research Interests

Main past or present collaborations


Follow the white rabbit...

You can also check out my github, where you can find most of the software I develop.

Journal Club, Lab Meeting, Seminars

I organized the Journal Club / Lab Meeting / Seminars for the Computational and Mathematical Biology team from 2010 to 2018. I'm leaving that seminar webpage as-is for archival purposes, but starting 09/2018 I passed on this responsibility to junior members of the lab.

I also set up for a while a working group on NGS Bioinformatics in the Grenoble area (2015-2016, no webpage).


Sadly I haven't done any teaching for the past few years, but you can still check out the webpage for my part of the "Applications de science des données et IA", 2A (M1) course at the ENSIMAG. This was a project-focused 9 hours coursework (+ probably at least 9 more hours personal work from the students), designed for students already somewhat familiar with C. The goal of the project is to code (in C) two classic dynamic programming algorithms for pairwise sequence alignement: Smith-Waterman and Altschul-Erickson (an extension of SW to affine gap penalties). The project description, code skeleton, reference implementation and example files are freely available. Feel free to reuse parts of my project for your own coursework, and please drop me an email if you do.


1994-1997: computer science engineer, with training from the ENSIMAG.

1997-2001: PhD in Computer Science, at the LSR laboratory in Grenoble and jointly in Marc Vidal's lab (at the time, at Mass. General Hospital, Boston; now at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston).
Title: Conceptual modeling and predictive analysis of protein-protein interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans.
If you're interested and don't mind reading in French, you can grab my PhD manuscript.

2001-: I obtained a CNRS permanent position (chargé de recherches) in november 2001.

Jan 2013: Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) in Biology, Grenoble University.
Title: Smart-pooling and interactomes.
Manuscript (in french).

last modified 20/02/2025

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