Création de Ressources Informatiques Multimédias Pour L'enseignement de L'informatique (CRIMEI)


(in french)CRIMEI is an operational project set up in the framework of the GreCO’s calling for contribution. The participantsare ten informatic teachers coming from three universities of Grenoble area. They have decided to share their know-how about producing pedagogical resources for teaching. This paper relates the variety and the richness of the work produced by this group. This can appear as a catalogue in this short article. But some aspects of this work have been or will be developed in other conferences. After a study of the available tools in the domain, a concerted production of pedagogical resources has been set up, with specialised authoring tools, when it was possible. With the chosen tools, a large variety of activities have been produced: expositive documents and exercises in the domain of logic and the theory of languages, a simulator of processor with associated exercises for understanding the way the computer works, slide show for presenting java and ADA algorithmic courses. For producing more easily adaptative slide show, an authoring tool GenDiapo for hyperdiaporamas, XML-based, has been specified and the development has started during this project. For improving the reuse and the sharing of the produced resources, they have been indexed according to the LOM metadata and stored in a database, with a web based access for the teachers. Finally, the resources have been incorporated in curricula for the students, delivered on web course servers.

Colloque International TICE 2002