du projet ToRIID
Revues (6)
[R-ROI-1] R.Clackdoyle, M.Defrise. "Tomographic Reconstruction in the 21st Century. Region-of-interest reconstruction from incomplete data." IEEE Signal Processing, 27(4): 60-80, 2010.
[R-Cal-2] R. Clackdoyle and C. Mennessier. Centers and centroids of the cone-beam projection of a ball. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56: 7371-7291, 2011.
[R-Cal-1] C. Mennessier, R. Clackdoyle and F. Noo. Direct Determination of geometric alignment parameters for cone-beam scanners. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 : 1633-1660, 2009.
[R-Dyn-3] S. Rit and D. Sarrut and L. Desbat Comparison of Analytic and Algebraic Methods for Motion-Compensated Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction of the Thorax. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28(10) : 1513-1525, 2009.
[R-Dyn-2] L. Desbat, S. Roux, P. Grangeat. Compensation of some time dependent deformations in tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 26(2) : 261-269, 2007.
[R-Dyn-1] L. Desbat, S. Roux, P. Grangeat. Compensation de déformations en tomographie dynamique 3D conique. Traitement du Signal, 23(6) : 2006.
Actes de Confèrences (16)
[C-Ech-1] Y. Grondin, L. Desbat, M. Defrise, T. Rodet, M. Desvignes and S. Mancini. Data Sampling in Multislice Mode PET for Multi-Ring Scanner. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. San Diego, pp. 2180-2184, 2006
[C-Ech-2] Y. Grondin and L. Desbat. Monte Carlo simulations verifying sampling schemes in multislice mode PET, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE EMBC 2007 Lyon, pp. 2920-2923, 2007.
[C-Ech-3] Y. Grondin, L. Desbat, M. Desvignes, S. Mancini and M. Defrise. Étude de l'acquisition des données en TEP (Tomographie par Émission de Positons) 2D, Actes de 21° Colloque GRETSI, Troyes, France, 11-14 septembre 2007, article 633, pp. 921-924, 2007.
[C-Ech-4] Y. Grondin, M. Desvignes, L. Desbat, S. Mancini, M-L. Gallin-Martel, L. Gallin-Martel and O. Rossetto. Simulation results of small animal liquid PET detector. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, Paris, France, May 14-17, 2008. IEEE 2008 pp.1227-1230, 2008.
[C-Ech-5] L. Desbat and L. Gratton. Sampling in helical fan beam CT using the reflected lattice. Oberwolfach Reports, G.-M.Greuel, S.Klaus (eds.) ISSN 1660-8933 Vol 3, No 3 Pages: 2131-2134, 2006.
[C-Ech-6] L. Desbat and L. Gratton. Sampling in helical fan beam CT. In Samp TA 07, Sampling Theory and Applications International Workshop June 1-5, 2007, Thessaloniki - Greece, Abstracts CD (2 pages), 2007.
[C-Ech-7] L. Desbat and L. Gratton. Sampling with the reflected lattice in helical fan beam, CT, Proceedings Fully 3D Meeting and HPIR Workshop July 9-13, 2007, Lindau,Germany, pp. 229-232, 2007.
[C-Ech-8] Y. Grondin, L. Desbat and M. Desvignes. Sampling in cylindrical 2D PET. Proceedings Fully 3D Meeting and HPIR Workshop Sept 7-10, 2009, Beijing, China,, pp. 191-194, 2009.
[C-Cal-1] L. Desbat, L. Grezes-Besset, R. Clackdoyle, C. Mennessier and I. Bricault. Cone-Beam Imaging of Delta Functions. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. San Diego. Pages: 2895-2899, 2006.
[C-Cal-2] C. Mennessier and R. Clackdoyle. Automated Geometric Calibration and Reconstruction in Circular Cone-Beam Tomography. 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Dresden. Pages: 5081-5085, 2008.
[C-ROI-1] R. Clackdoyle, F. Noo, M. S. Ould Mohamed and C. Mennessier. A FBP Reconstruction Formula for 2D Tomography with Bilateral Truncation. Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego. Volume 5, pp. 2895-2899, 2006.
[C-ROI-2] R. Clackdoyle, M. Defrise, F. Noo and H. Kudo. Two-Dimensional Region-of-Interest Tomography. Oberwolfach Reports, G.-M.Greuel, S.Klaus (eds.) ISSN 1660-8933, pp. 2070-2074, 2006.
[C-ROI-3] M. S. Ould Mohamed, C. Mennessier and R. Clackdoyle. Even More Inversion Formulas for the 2D Radon Transform of Functions of Compact and Convex Support. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon. pp. 4410-4413, 2007.
[C-ROI-4] M. S. Ould Mohamed, R. Clackdoyle and C. Mennessier. Region-of-Interest Reconstruction from Truncated Data by Combined Classical Filtered-Backprojection and Virtual Fanbeam Reconstruction. 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Dresden. pp. 4178-4181, 2008.
[C-ROI-5] R. Clackdoyle, D. Ghosh Roy, M. Defrise, C. Mennessier and M. S. Ould Mohamed. Two-Dimensional Region-of-Interest Reconstruction: Analyzing the Diffrence Between Virtual Fanbeam and DBP-Hilbert Reconstructions. 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
[C-Dyn-1] L. Desbat, S. Rit, R. Clackdoyle, C. Mennessier, E. Promayon and S. Ntalampeki. Algebraic and analytic reconstruction methods for dynamic tomography, Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Lyon, France, August 2007. pp. 726-730, 2007.
Thèses (2)
[T-Ech-1] Y. Grondin, «Etude de l'échantillonnage des données en tomographie par émission de positons », Thése délivrée par l'Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, le 9 décembre 2008.
[T-ROI-1] M. S. Ould Mohamed, «Méthodes analytiques de reconstruction 2D de régions d’intérêt à partir de projections incomplètes mais suffisantes.» Thése délivrée par l’Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, le 5 juin 2009.