Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Inverse Problems in Medical  Imaging

Part of DROITE ANR project

and ARC6 "Modélisation et Simulation Numérique de Problèmes Inverses en Imagerie Médicale"

supported by the labex CAMI, PRIMES, PERSYVAL and the ECCAMI project.


Salle R100 
In3S, Pavillon Taillefer, TIMC-IMAG, La Tronche

Registration is free but mandatory / Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire

Participant list


Thursday 11/09/2014

9h30 – 12h30

9h30- 10h30 Redundancies in X-ray images due to the epipolar geometry for transmission imaging, de André Aichert, Nicole Maass, Yu Deuerling-Zheng, Martin Berger, Michael Manhart, Joachim Hornegger, Andreas K. Maier and Arnd Doerfler.

Laurent DESBAT, UJF Grenoble.

10h30-11h30 Title TBA (quaternions dans le calibrage)

Rolf Clackdoyle, UJM St Etienne

11h30-12h00 Title TBA (C-arm Calibration with markers)

Benjamin Spencer, UJF Grenoble.

This DROITE workshops are supported by a grant from << Région Rhône Alpes>> (ARC 6, T.I.C. et Usages Informatiques Innovants)

This workshop is supported by the labex CAMI, PRIMES, PERSYVAL, and the ECCAMI project. DROITE is supported by ANR (ANR project ANR-12-BS01-0018).