Master Mathématiques, Informatique

M2 Mathematics, Informatics, Applications

International track, 2012

The master report for the EM BHC Computational Maths track, should be typically around 30 pages. It should contain:
- an introduction of your master thesis research project
- a state of the art of the problem to solve (at least the most important contributions)
- a description of your contribution (your work)
- numerical experiments if any
- conclusion and perspectives
This plan is just an example (you may use an other one more appropriate to your work: that is your master thesis)
If you have started to write publications, you may add them in an annex (you may also add in the annex the program codes you have written). Your publication(s) may even constitute the core of your master thesis (with probably an introduction, the links between the papers if necessary and a conclusion).

You should return you master thesis report before june 25
- electronic version:  to Anatoli Iouditski <>, Emeline Simien <>, Laurent Desbat <> attached as a pdf file
- two printed version should also be sent to Anatoli Iouditski, LJK, Tour IRMA, Domaine Universitaire (with the internal surface mail service)

Master Thesis defense
Date:Thursday June 28th
Place:Room F022, at UFR IMMAG (see the plan)
13H00-14H00 Yu ZhangInference of Population Genetic structure and natural selction using latent variable models. Master Thesis adviser: O. François